Branding & Brand Management

MKT 663

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl
Contact person Maximilian Beichert
Course Format Lecture
Credit Points 4 ECTS
Hours per Week 2
Semester Spring
Language English
Registration no registration required
Accepted Participants Mannheim Master in Management, Mannheim Master in Business Research (MMBR), M.A. Culture and Economy / Business, M.Sc. Business Education, M.Sc. Business Informatics, M.Sc. Business Mathematics, M.Sc. Economics, Diplom Business Administration

Further Information

  • Brief Description

    Although brand names represent one of the most valuable (intangible) assets for a firm, creating and nurturing a strong brand poses considerable challenges. Branding is therefore a critical management task that has both strategic and tactical elements. The concept of brand equity can provide managers with valuable perspective and a common denominator to interpret the potential effects and trade-offs of various strategies and tactics for their brands. Brand management involves the design and implementation of marketing programs and activities to build, measure, and manage brand equity.

    The objective of this course is to introduce participants to proven techniques and frameworks for assessing and formulating branding strategies and tactics that improve the long-term profitability of their brand names. This course revolves around understanding how to develop effective branding strategies, while keeping in mind economic and psychological factors of branding. This course should be useful for those pursuing careers in marketing, general management, and consulting.

  • Lecture

    Lecturer Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl
    Contact person Maximilian Beichert
    Schedule Please refer to the latest information on Portal2 and ILIAS
    Assesment Written Exam (100%)
  • Course Outline

    The lectures on “Branding and Brand Management” cover the following topics:

    1. Part of the Course: Consumer Behavior & Psychology of Branding 
      1. Brands and Consumer Psychology

        • Identifying Brands
        • Experiencing Brands 
        • Integrating Brands
        • Signifying Brands
        • Connecting Brands


      2. Brand Identity, Signaling and Social Status

        • Effect of Identity on Economic Behavior
        • Identity-based and Signaling-based Brand Equity Approaches
        • How Brand Identity and Position Create Value
        • Creating Brand Identity: New Brand Names
        • Social Status


      3. Neurophysiological Insights 

        • Neuroscience and Branding
        • Consumer-brand Relationships
        • Case Study: Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi


    2. Part of the Course: Return on Branding 
      1. Customer-based Brand Equity and Brand Positioning 

        • Sources of Brand Equity
        • Identifying and Establishing Brand Positioning
        • Positioning Guidelines
        • Defining a Brand Mantra


      2. Measuring Sources and Outcomes of Brand Equity

        • Qualitative Research Techniques
        • Quantitative Research Techniques
        • Comprehensive Models of Consumer-based Brand Equity
        • Comparative Methods of Measuring Outcomes
        • Holistic Methods of Measuring Outcomes


    3. Part of the Course: Brand Strategy 
      1. Brands and Brand Management Strategies 

        • Branding Challenges and Opportunities
        • Strategic Brand Management Process


      2. Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations to Build Brand Equity 

        • Conceptualizing the Leveraging Process
        • Company
        • Country of Origin and Other Geographic Areas
        • Channels of Distribution
        • Co-branding
        • Licensing
        • Celebrity Endorsement
      3. Brand Extensions

        • The Strategy and its Assumptions
        • Advantages and Disadvantages of Brand Extensions
        • Effects on Brand Equity
        • Brand Extension as Informational Leverage
        • Consumers’ Evaluation and Attitudes
        • When, How Far, and How to Extend


      4. Umbrella Branding

        • Signaling Effect of Umbrella Branding
        • Spillover Effect of Umbrella Branding
        • Umbrella Branding and Risk Reduction
        • Umbrella Branding and Reputation
        • Umbrella Branding and External Certifications
        • When, When Not and Why