Information about Masters Thesis
The masters thesis should be a carefully argued scholarly paper of approximately 35 pages (max. 50 pages including all tables, figures and appendices). It should present an original argument that is carefully documented from mainly primary sources (95% of all used references should be research papers from leading marketing and management journals). The thesis must have a substantial research component and a strong focus on the main topic of the paper. The thesis has to be written in english!
Further Information
Possible Subject Areas
Please send an email to Prof. Florian Stahl (florian.stahl) including
- your preferred subject area(s)
- your CV and list of all master courses and grades
- proof that you visited one of the master thesis seminars of the marketing area and achieved at least the grade 2,7
Selected Masters Theses
Selected Masters Theses of 2015:
- Koktürk, Beyhan (2015): The Moderating Impact of Online Product Review Variance on the Attraction Effect: An Exploratory Study (Download PDF)
Selected Masters Theses of 2016:
- Fischer, Lena (2016): An Empirical Analysis of the Compromise Effect in a 5-Item Choice Set (Download PDF)
- Günther, Anna-Maria (2016): The Power of Illusion in Motivating Purchase and Consumption (Download PDF)
- Funk, Lindsey (2016): The Analysis of Methods for Measuring Success in Online Social Networks – Using the Example of SoundCloud (Download PDF)
Selected Masters Theses of 2017:
- Pisna, Anna (2017): The application of survival analysis on user-generated content networks (Download PDF)
- Taneva, Slaveya (2017): Factors Influencing Consumers’ Intention to Adopt Near Field Communication Mobile Payments at the Point of Sale (Download PDF)
Selected Masters Theses of 2018:
- Barth, Elaine (2018): Smart Retail – An Exploratory Analysis of the Impact of Virtual Mirrors within the Concept of Digital Retail Stores (Download PDF)
- Lehmeier, Kerstin (2018): The Compromise Effect in Post-Purchase Consumption of Complementary Products: A Meta-Analysis of Experimental Studies (Download PDF)
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