MAN 606: Well-being along the Entrepreneurial Journey

Entrepreneurs often experience passion, benefit from feelings of autonomy, and receive a boost in self-esteem through external recognition. However, the process of founding and growing a venture is also marked by high uncertainty, limited resources, and frequent setbacks—conditions that can lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout. This course discusses the psychological challenges and opportunities of founding a new venture, offers insights into how entrepreneurs can navigate adversity, and illustrates how personal well-being ties into entrepreneurial performance.
In this course, students will explore topics such as the drivers of entrepreneurial well-being, the balance between passion and burnout, the impact of emotions, and the role of resilience in navigating uncertainty. Students will engage with the latest literature on entrepreneurial well-being, supplemented by insights from psychology (e.g., positive psychology, clinical psychology) and popular press to gain an understanding of current approaches to, as well as practical tools around entrepreneurial well-being. The course is designed to blend academic theory with practical application through readings discussions, self-assessments, group work, and experiential learning activities.
This course lives from active participation both during and between sessions. Students are expected to actively engage in course discussions, complete their mandatory readings and additional homework between sessions, and invest time to practice the applied exercises on a regular basis.

Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students are able to:

  • Identify psychological, emotional, and physical well-being opportunities and challenges that entrepreneurs face.
  • Understand and analyze the key academic concepts and theoretical frameworks surrounding entrepreneurial well-being.
  • Identify and apply well-being strategies (emotion regulation, coping) to manage entrepreneurial stress and uncertainty.
  • Assess their own well-being experiences in the entrepreneurial (or academic/professional) context and develop personalized approaches to foster well-being in settings of high uncertainty.

Necessary prerequisites

Recommended prerequisites
The course is aimed at master students with an interest in the topic of well-being and its link to entrepreneur­ship. Having previous entrepreneurial experience and/or having attended introductory entrepreneur­ship courses (e.g. MAN 630 Introduction to entrepreneur­ship, MAN 631 Creativity and Entrepreneur­ship in Practice) is beneficial but not a necessary requirement for course participation.

Forms of teaching and learningContact hoursIndependent study time
Seminar2 SWS15 SWS
ECTS credits6
Graded yes
Form of assessmentIn-class presentation (70%) & written reflection paper (30%)
Restricted admissionyes
Further information
Performing lecturer
Prof. Dr. Michael Woywode
Erika Ni
Frequency of offeringSpring semester
Duration of module 1 semester
Range of applicationM.Sc. MMM, M.Sc. WiPäd, M.Sc. VWL, M.Sc. Wirt. Inf., MAKUWI
Preliminary course workPlease note that this course relies on active participation so that attendance of at least 80% of the classes is required in order to complete the course.
LiteratureWill be provided shortly before the course
Course outlineSession 1: Introduction to entrepreneurial well-being
  • Course introduction
  • Introduction to entrepreneurial well-being
Session 2: The bright side of entrepreneur­ship
  • Well-being and it’s link to entrepreneur­ship
  • Entrepreneurial passion
Session 3: The dark side of entrepreneur­ship
  • Entrepreneurial ill-being
  • Entrepreneurial fear of failure
Session 4: Managing well-being
  • Entrepreneurial resilience & coping
  • Coping strategies
Session 5: Getting emotional
  • Emotions & Entrepreneur­ship
  • (Entrepreneurial) emotion regulation
Session 6: Looking beyond the individual
  • The role of social support networks
  • Emotions and well-being in the entrepreneurial team
Session 7: Wrapping up the entrepreneurial journey
  • Dealing with entrepreneurial failure
  • Course wrap-up and reflection