Bauer, K., von Zahn, M., & Hinz, O. (2023). Expl (AI) ned: The impact of explainable artificial intelligence on users’ information processing. Information Systems Research.
Bauer, K., & Gill, A. (2023). Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Algorithmic Assessments, Transparency, and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies. Information Systems Research.
Bakaev, M., Heil, S., Jagow, J., Speicher, M., Bauer, K., & Gaedke, M. (2023, June). A Taxonomy of User Behavior Model (UBM) Tools for UI Design and User Research. In International Conference on Web Engineering (pp. 236–244). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Bauer, K., Hinz, O., van der Aalst, W., & Weinhardt, C. (2021). Expl(AI)n it to me–explainable AI and information systems research. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 63, 79–82.
Nofer, M., Bauer, K., Hinz, O., van der Aalst, W., & Weinhardt, C. (2023). Quantum Computing. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 1–7.
Ongoing research
von Zahn, M., Speicher, M., Jagow, J., Bauer, K., Hinz, O. (2023). The Smart Green Nudge: Reducing Product Returns through Enriched Digital Footprints & Causal Machine Learning. (Revise and Resubmit at Marketing Science)
Yang, C., Bauer, K., Li, X., & Hinz, O. (2023). My Advisor, Her AI and Me: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Human-AI Collaboration and Investment Decisions. (Revise and Resubmit Management Science)
Bauer, K., Heigl, R., Hinz, O., & Kosfeld, M. (2023). Algorithmic Discrimination, Feedback Loops, and the Human Factor. (Revise and Resubmit at Journal of the Association for Information Systems)
Bauer, K., v Zahn, M., Hinz, O. (2023). Please take over: XAI, delegation of authority, and domain knowledge. (Under Review at MISQ)
Bauer, K., Hett, F., Chen, Y., Kosfeld, M. (2023). Group Identity and Belief Formation. (Pre-registered field study: AEARCTR-0006670, AEARCTR-0007106).
Liebich, L., Kosfeld, M., Hinz, O., & Bauer, K. (2023). Let’s pl(AI): Cooperative capabilities of CHatGPT.
Zacharias, J., v. Schenk, A., Klockmann, V., Hinz, O., & Bauer, K. (2023). Decentralized Feature Selection for Machine Learning.
Chen, J., Heigl, R., v. Zahn, M., Hinz, O., & Bauer, K. (2023). The Impact of Political Affiliations on human-AI Interaction.
Chen, J., Coemert, E., Burchard, C., Bauer, K., & Hinz, O. (2023). Machine Lawyering: How Normative Beliefs Shape Algorithmic Advice Taking.
Heigl, R., Vogt, B., Jussupow, E., Bauer, K. (2023). Creativity and generative AI.
Chen, J., Coemert, E., Burchard, C., Bauer, K., & Hinz, O. (2023). Machine Lawyering: How Normative Beliefs Shape Algorithmic Advice Taking.
Heigl, R., Pehtig, F., Bauer, K. (2023). Reading Between the Lines: Exploring Differences in Behavior and Perception After Reading AI-Generated vs Human-Written News.
Bauer, K., Chabanova, E., Hett, F. (2023). Identity as an excuse.
Bauer, K., Chabanova, E., Hett, F. (2022). Endogenous Social identities and Economic Behavior.
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