Our Research

Our research addresses timely topics at the intersection of financial accounting, management reporting, disclosure, and regulation. Most of our studies employ quantitative empirical methods. An important focus of our research is on the financial industry and especially banking.


Current Working Papers

Journal Publications

Scientific Book Publication

  • Makrohedges in Bankbilanzen nach GoB und IFRS, Düsseldorf: IDW-Verlag, 2006.

Other Publications

Legal Commentaries

  • “Kommentierung zu § 315a HGB: Finanzielle Vermögenswerte, Finanzielle Verbindlichkeiten, Eigenkapital und Hedge Accounting”, with Jens Wüstemann, in: Staub Kommentar zum HGB, ed. by Heinrich Koenige et al., Berlin: De Gruyter, 6th ed., 2011.
  • “International Financial Reporting Standards: Zur Bedeutung und Systembildung der internationalen Rechnungslegungsregeln”, with Jens Wüstemann and Sonja Kierzek, in: Handbuch des Jahresabschlusses, ed. by Klaus von Wysocki et al., Köln: Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, 2007, Abt. I/3.

German Business Panel