BWL Pool exterior view

Below you will find important information on how to use our services.

  • Information for lecturers

    To use the pool for a course, a room request via Portal² is required. Access to the pool room is via the lecturer's ecUM. See the information under “Room equipment (incl. Room booking)”.

    In order to use the PC at the lecturer's desk, the media cabinet at the desk must be unlocked. This requires the same media cabinet key as in the lecture halls and seminar rooms. If required, this can also be borrowed from the gate for the duration of the course.

    The existing adhesive strip can be attached to the door to open the door permanently during the course. Please ensure that the adhesive strip for opening the door is removed when you leave the pool room so that the pool room is locked again.

  • Print account and payment

    Deposits to the print account

    Deposits to the BWL.POOL print account are made through the pool supervisor with ecUM credit. Autoload participants can charge ecUM credit at the charging machine on the ground floor (PIN required!).

    Attention: The BWL.POOL print account CANNOT be charged at the ecUM terminal!

  • Headphones/Headsets

    All PCs have the option of connecting headphones or headsets.

    Headphones can be borrowed from the supervisor against the deposit of the ecUM.

  • User regulations

    User regulations

    Application area

    User groups

    • Students of the University of Mannheim can use the BWL.POOL.
    • Chairs and institutions of the Buisness School and the School of Humanities can use the pool rooms 257 and 358 for courses.
    • As far as free capacities are available, other institutions of the university can also book the above-mentioned pool rooms for events.

    User authorisation

    • The user authorization and the user ID for central systems of the university IT are applied.

    Rules of use 

    1. Food and drinks are not allowed in the workplaces. Mobile phones must be muted in consideration of other users and telephone calls must be made outside the pool rooms.
    2. Only the power sockets located on tables and the university's WLAN or the LAN connections marked as NetPoint may be used to connect a notebook. Opening floor flaps or connecting to cable ducts or LAN connections other than those mentioned above is not permitted.
    3. The local hard disks of the PCs are used only for temporary storage. These data are deleted at regular intervals. Backups of these data to other storage media must be carried out at the user's own responsibility.
    4. A fee will be charged for printouts and bindings according to the notice in the pool room.
    5. Headphones, headsets and manuals – if available – can be borrowed during work in the BWL.POOL against the deposit of the student ID (ecUM) at the supervisor.
    6. The instructions displayed on screen when logging in as well as notices in the pool rooms must be observed.
    7. In the context of Bachelor's and Master's theses as well as in the context of courses, access to the BWL.POOL can be granted outside the regular opening hours. The special terms of use for BWL.POOL access via ecUM are included on the corresponding application form.


    Mannheim, 01.03.2021 Prof. Dr. Christian Becker

  • Schedule pool room 257