Prof. Lerchenmüller's research interests lie in the economics of innovation, translation of scientific discoveries and science policy. He is currently researching the influence of monetary incentives on scientific innovation. In another project, he is investigating how factors independent of ability, such as gender and social conditions, influence research careers. Through his academic work, he has successfully acquired third-party funding, e.g. from the DFG, DAAD and Helmholtz, and has been appointed to international advisory boards, e.g. for the European Commission.
Prof. Lerchenmüller's research has been published in bmj, Circulation, Harvard Business Review, Nature Communications, PLoS One, and Research Policy and contributes to science policy discourses in journals such as Nature and Science. His research has been picked up by over 50 international media outlets, including the Economist, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Reuters, and the Wall Street Journal.
Please visit Marc Lerchenmüller's homepage for more information.