Prof. Dr. Dominika Wruk

Prof. Dr. Dominika Wruk

Dominika Wruk ist Assistant Professor for Sustainable Entrepreneurship. She has been leading the BMPF-funded interdisciplinary junior research group platforms2share since June 2017. The group explores the potential of cooperative models and new technologies as well as their contributions to the Platform Economy. Dominika Wruk is also part of the i-share network studying organizational models in the Sharing Economy and their social, ecological and economic effects.

Another one of Ms. Wruk´s fields of research is the emergence and the diffusion of modern management concepts and practices. She works both theoretically and empirically and investigates the way new ideas and concepts emerge, find their way into organizations and are applied and combined in an organizational context. She wrote her dissertation within the scope of a DFG-funded project on the diffusion and adoption of management concepts.

Dominika Wruk studied business administration at the University of Mannheim and the Ecole de Management in Bordeaux, France and received her doctoral degree from the University of Mannheim. She has worked as a researcher and the Institute for SME Research and Entrepreneurship at the University of Mannheim since June 2008. She spent three months as visiting scholar at Stantford University in autumn 2011. 

Research Interests

  • Sharing Economy and Platform Economy
  • Sustainable Entrepreneurship, sustainable organizational forms
  • Emergence and diffusion of management concepts and organizational forms
  • Organizatoin theories, in particular neo-institutional theory
