Bild: Alexander Münch
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- Wruk, D., Oberg, A. und Friedrich-Schieback, M. (2019). Quantifying the sharing economy: An approach for measuring the ecological, social, and economic effects. GAIA : Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society = ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, 28, 184–189.
- Wruk, D., Oberg, A., Klutt, J. und Maurer, I. (2019). The presentation of self as good and right: How value propositions and business model features are linked in the sharing economy. Journal of Business Ethics, 159, 997-1021.
- Wruk, D., Wolff, C., Pentzien, J. und Kludas, S. (2018). Einführung in das Schwerpunktthema : Plattformökonomie. Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 33, 14–15.
- Zielinski, F., Mildenberger, G., Rabadjieva, M., Sauerbier, E., Terstriep, J. und Wruk, D. (2024). Was sind soziale Innovationen und wie lassen sich ihre Impacts messen? Konzeptionelle Grundlagen für innovationsfeldspezifische Wirkmodelle. Heidelberg: Universität Heidelberg.
- Wruk, D. und Oberg, A. (2022). Wirkungen der Sharing Economy in Deutschland. i-share Report, 3. Mannheim.
- Wruk, D., Oberg, A., Maurer, I. und Klutt, J. (2019). The presentation of self as good and right: How value propositions and business model features are linked in the sharing economy. In , (S. Article 16660). Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management, Academy of Management: Chicago, IL.
- Maurer, I., Mosmann, P., Oberg, A. und Wruk, D. (2017). Between market, hierarchy and clan governance of communities in the sharing economy. In , Collaboration & Materiality: The New Places, Communities & Practices of the Collaborative Economy : Proceedings of the 7th Organizations, Artifacts & Practices(OAP) workshop : 16th-18th June 2017, Singapore (S. 38). Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Singapore Managment University: Singapore.
- Wruk, D., Bort, S., Oberg, A. und Woywode, M. (2016). How relational theorizing influences the popularity of management concepts. In , (S. Article 16945). Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management, Academy of Management: Chicago, IL.
- Schöllhorn, T., Wruk, D. und Oberg, A. (2020). How fields overlap: An exploratory study of relational and symbolic connections between three fields. 16th New Institutionalism in Organization Theory Workshop, Odense, Denmark.
- Schöllhorn, T., Wruk, D. und Oberg, A. (2020). How fields overlap: An exploratory study of relational and symbolic connections between three fields. 36th EGOS – European Group of Organizational Studies Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany.
- Vith, S., Oberg, A., Berwing, S., Höllerer, M. A. und Wruk, D. (2020). Sociocultural meaning, urban space, and the formation of the sharing economy. 16th New Institutionalism in Organization Theory Workshop, Odense, Denmark.
- Vith, S., Oberg, A., Berwing, S., Höllerer, M. A. und Wruk, D. (2020). Sociocultural meaning, urban space, and the formation of the sharing economy. 36th EGOS – European Group of Organizational Studies Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany.
- Wruk, D., Schöllhorn, T. und Woywode, M. (2019). What generates configurations of management concepts in organizational self-representations? 35th EGOS – European Group of Organization Studies Colloquium, Edinbrugh, UK.
- Wruk, D., Vith, S., Oberg, A., Höllerer, M. A. und Meyer, R. E. (2019). Differences in environmental embeddedness of organizational forms: The case of sharing economy organizations in Germany. 35th EGOS – European Group of Organization Studies Colloquium, Edinburgh, UK.
- Oberg, A., Berwing, S., Wruk, D. und Kellermeier, O. (2017). How are sharing economy organizations distributed at the regional level? The case of Germany. 4th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Lund, Sweden.
- Oberg, A., Berwing, S., Wruk, D. und Kellermeier, O. (2017). Welche Sharing-Konzepte werden wo in Deutschland angeboten? Drittes i-share Symposium, Mannheim, Germany.
- Oberg, A., Wruk, D., Friedrich-Schieback, M., Rottler, M., Helmig, B. und Woywode, M. (2017). How can we measure the impact of the sharing economy? A conceptual and empirical impact model. SustEcon Conference – The contribution of a sustainable economy to achieving the SDGs, Berlin, Germany.
- Oberg, A., Wruk, D. und Schöllhorn, T. (2017). Is the sharing economy a field? How a disruptive field nurtures sharing economy organizations. 13th New Institutional Theory Workshop NIW 2017, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Schöllhorn, T., Wruk, D. und Oberg, A. (2017). Is the sharing economy a field? How a disruptive field nurtures sharing economy organizations. 33rd European Group for Organizational Studies EGOS Colloquium, København, Denmark.
- Friedrich-Schieback, M., Helmig, B. und Wruk, D. (2016). How sustainable is the sharing economy? Indicators for the assessment of the economic, ecological and social contribution of sharing organizations. 3rd International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Winchester, UK.
- Schöllhorn, T., Wruk, D. und Oberg, A. (2016). The social construction of management vocabularies: An analysis of data on Wikipedia. 32nd EGOS – European Group of Organization Studies Colloquium, Naples, Italy.
- Wruk, D., Oberg, A., Maurer, I. und Klutt, J. (2016). Types of sharing economy business models: A conceptual framework and a quantitative analysis of sharing organizations in Germany. 2nd International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Paris, France.
- Oberg, A., Schöllhorn, T. und Wruk, D. (2015). How to measure similarities and differences of organizational forms in the sharing economy: A semantic network approach. Stanford PACS Workshop, Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society, Berlin, Germany.
- Krlev, G., Wruk, D., Pasi, G. und Bernhard, M. (Hrsg.) (2023). Social economy science : transforming the economy and making society more resilient. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Wruk, D., Oberg, A. und Maurer, I. (Hrsg.) (2019). Perspectives on the sharing economy. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Krlev, G., Wruk, D., Pasi, G. und Bernhard, M. (2023). Social economy: Between common identity and accelerating social change. In Social economy science : transforming the economy and making society more resilient (S. 37–68). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Oberg, A., Wruk, D. und Friedrich-Schieback, M. (2022). Das i-share Wirkungsmodell. In Wirkungen der Sharing Economy in Deutschland (S. 9–17). Mannheim: .
- Wruk, D., Schöllhorn, T. und Oberg, A. (2020). Is the sharing economy a field? How a disruptive field nurtures sharing economy organizations. In Theorizing the sharing economy : variety and trajectories of new forms of organizing (S. 131–162). Bingley [u.a.]: Emerald Publishing.