Stiftungsprofessur für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Prof. Stefan Reichelstein, Ph.D.
Stefan J. Reichelstein hat seit dem 1. Juli 2018 die Stiftungsprofessur für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Mannheim inne. Er studierte Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Bonn und Managerial Economics an der Kellogg School of Management der Northwestern University, wo er 1984 zum Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) promoviert wurde. In den vergangenen 30 Jahren hatte Reichelstein Professuren an international renommierten Universitäten inne, darunter der UC Berkeley und Stanford. 2016/
Mit seiner Expertise baut Prof. Reichelstein an der Universität Mannheim das Forschungsinstitut „Mannheim Institute for Sustainable Energy Studies“ (MISES) auf. Das MISES beschäftigt sich vornehmlich mit den privat- und gesamtwirtschaftlichen Kosten der Energiewende.
- Kosten- und Profitabilitätsanalysen
- Dezentralisierung
- interne Preisbildung
- Erfolgsmessung
Mannheim Institute for Sustainable Energy Studies (MISES)
Das Mannheimer Institut für Sustainable Energy Studies (MISES) unter der Leitung von Prof. Stefan Reichelstein, Ph.D. untersucht die Herausforderungen und Innovationsmöglichkeiten, die sich aus dem Wechsel zu einer Energiezukunft ohne Kohle ergeben. Ein besonderer Fokus der Studien des MISES liegt auf den Kosten, die mit alternativen dekarbonisierten Strategien verbunden sind. Das Spektrum an Projekten umfasst den Energie-, Transport- und Industriesektor. In diesen Themen sucht das Team um Stefan Reichelstein den ständigen Austausch mit externen Wissenschaftlern, Fachleuten und Politikern.
Weitere Informationen zu den Forschungsschwerpunkten des MISES, den Mitarbeitern sowie dem Kursangebot von Stefan Reichelstein finden Sie auf der MISES Homepage.
Veröffentlichungen von/
mit Prof. Dr. Reichelstein 2024
- Easton, P., Glenk, G., Kurtz, J., Landaverde Lorenzo, T. und Reichelstein, S. (2024). Accounting for corporate carbon emissions. Accountability in a Sustainable World Quarterly, 2, 64–72.
- Reichelstein, S. (2024). Corporate carbon accounting: balance sheets and flow statements. Review of Accounting Studies, 29, 2125-2156.
- Reichelstein, S. (2024). Corporate carbon emission statements: A double entry system. Accountability in a Sustainable World Quarterly, 2, 58–63.
- Cohen, S., Kadach, I., Ormazabal, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2023). Executive compensation tied to ESG performance: International evidence. Journal of Accounting Research, 61, 805–853.
- Comello, S., Reichelstein, J. und Reichelstein, S. (2023). Corporate carbon reporting: Improving transparency and accountability. One Earth, 6, 803–810.
- Friedl, G., Reichelstein, S., Bach, A., Blaschke, M. und Kemmer, L. (2023). Applications of the levelized cost concept. Journal of Business Economics : JBE = Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft : ZfB, 93, 1125-1148.
- Glenk, G., Holler, P. und Reichelstein, S. (2023). Advances in power-to-gas technologies: Cost and conversion efficiency. Energy & Environmental Science, 1–13.
- Kaplan, R. S., Ramanna, K. und Reichelstein, S. (2023). Getting a clearer view of your company’s carbon footprint. Harvard Business Review : HBR, 2023, 1–12.
- Reichelstein, S. (2023). Corporate carbon disclosures. Accountability in a Sustainable World Quarterly, 3, 85–89.
- Comello, S., Reichelstein, J. und Reichelstein, S. (2022). Corporate carbon reduction pledges: An effective tool to mitigate climate change? Advances in Social Innovation (forthcoming).
- Glenk, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2022). Reversible Power-to-Gas systems for energy conversion and storage. Nature Communications, 13, 1–10.
- Glenk, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2022). The economic dynamics of competing power generation sources. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 168, 1–9.
- Bolton, P., Reichelstein, S., Kacperczyk, M. T., Leuz, C., Ormazabal, G. und Schoenmaker, D. (2021). Mandatory corporate carbon disclosures and the path to net zero. Management and Business Review : MBR, 2021.
- Comello, S., Glenk, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2021). Transitioning to clean energy transportation services: Life-cycle cost analysis for vehicle fleets. Applied Energy, 285, 1–11.
- Downar, B., Ernstberger, J., Reichelstein, S., Schwenen, S. und Zaklan, A. (2021). The impact of carbon disclosure mandates on emissions and financial operating performance. Review of Accounting Studies, 26, 1137-1175.
- Dutta, S. und Reichelstein, S. (2021). Capacity rights and full-cost transfer pricing. Management Science, 67, 1303-1325.
- Glenk, G., Meier, R. und Reichelstein, S. (2021). Cost dynamics of clean energy technologies. Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research : SBUR, 73, 179–206.
- Glenk, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2020). Synergistic value in vertically integrated power‐to‐gas energy systems. Production and Operations Management, 29, 526–546.
- Comello, S. und Reichelstein, S. (2019). The emergence of cost effective battery storage. Nature Communications, 10, 1–9.
- Glenk, G. und Reichelstein, S. (2019). Economics of converting renewable power to hydrogen. Nature Energy, 4, 216–222.
- Comello, S., Reichelstein, S. und Sahoo, A. (2018). The road ahead for solar PV power. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 92, 744–756.
- Reichelstein, S. und Sahoo, A. (2018). Relating product prices to long‐run marginal cost: Evidence from solar photovoltaic modules. Contemporary Accounting Research : CAR = Recherche Comptable Contemporaine, 35, 1464-1498.
- Comello, S. und Reichelstein, S. (2017). Cost competitiveness of residential solar PV : the impact of net metering restrictions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 75, 46–57.
- Comello, S., Reichelstein, S., Sahoo, A. und Schmidt, T. S. (2017). Enabling micro-grid development in rural India. World Development, 93, 94–107.
- Psarras, P. C., Comello, S., Bains, P., Charoensawadpong, P., Reichelstein, S. und Wilcox, J. (2017). Carbon capture and utilization in the industrial sector. Environmental Science & Technology : ES & T, 51, 11440-11449.
- Reichelstein, S. und Rohlfing-Bastian, A. (2017). Relevante Kosten für Investitionsentscheidungen. Controlling & Management Review, 61, 58–62.
- Comello, S. und Reichelstein, S. (2016). The U.S. investment tax credit for solar energy : alternatives to the anticipated 2017 step-down. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 55, 591–602.
- Farhat, K. und Reichelstein, S. (2016). Economic value of flexible hydrogen-based polygeneration energy systems. Applied Energy, 164, 857–870.
- Nezlobin, A., Rajan, M. V. und Reichelstein, S. (2016). Structural properties of the price-to-earnings and price-to-book ratios. Review of Accounting Studies, 21, 438–472.
- Nezlobin, A., Reichelstein, S. und Wang, Y. (2015). Managerial performance evaluation for capacity investments. Review of Accounting Studies, 20, 283–318.
- Reichelstein, S. und Rohlfing-Bastian, A. (2015). Levelized product cost : concept and decision relevance. The Accounting Review, 90, 1653-1682.
- Reichelstein, S. und Sahoo, A. (2015). Time of day pricing and the levelized cost of intermittent power generation. Energy Economics, 48, 97–108.
- Sahoo, A. und Reichelstein, S. (2015). Are the recent declines in solar PV module prices sustainable? Stanford Energy Journal, 2015, 5 May.
- Comello, S. und Reichelstein, S. (2014). A better way to cut power-plant emissions. Bloomberg, 2014, 21. April.
- Comello, S. und Reichelstein, S. (2014). Incentives for early adoption of carbon capture technology. Energy Policy, 74, 579–588.
- McNicols, M., Rajan, M. V. und Reichelstein, S. (2014). Conservatism correction for the market-to-book ratio and Tobin’s q. Review of Accounting Studies, 19, 1393-1435.
Vorträge und Konferenzen
- Speaker, Sustainability Standards Conference, Goethe University, Frankfurt, June 2024
- Speaker, Uncertainty, Climate and Policy Challenges Conference, Imperial College, London, May 2024.
- Speaker, Corporate carbon Emissions Workshop, IESE Business School, Munich, April 2024.
- Hydrogen Panel Speaker, Energy@Stanford & SLAC 2023, Stanford University, September 2023
- Speaker, Workshop on Carbon Emission Pledges and Corporate Decarbonization Initiatives, Goethe University Frankfurt, September 2023
- Keynote Speaker, Cluster Energie&Umwelt, May 2023
- Speaker, Transatlantic Climate Conversations, May 2023
- Chaired a conference on “Corporate Carbon Disclosures”, Stanford Business School, December 14–15, 2022
- Speaker at TEDx „What's up with Paris climate goals?“, University of Mannheim, October 2022
- Lecture on “Corporate Carbon Emission Statements” Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, October 2022
- Presentation on „Corporate Carbon Reporting“, University of Vienna, May 2022
- Speaker at the University Day, May 2022
- Lecture on “Rapid and Deep Decarbonization” as part of the “Science for Future Lecture Series”, University of Mannheim, May 2022
- Presentation on „Corporate Carbon Reporting“, University of Konstanz, April 2022
- Presentation at Cambridge University, March 2022
- Panelist at CEPR, October 2021
- Speaker at the CARE Conference, September 2021
- Speaker at the Energy@Stanford Conference at Stanford University, September 2021
- Speaker at the Sustainability Days of Heidelberg Cement, September 2021
- Presentation on Entkarbonisierte Energie: Die Beschwerliche Wende to the Stiftung of the University of Mannheim, July 2021
- Presentation on Corporate Carbon Disclosures at a Conference on Accounting for Sustainability and Responsible Investment hosted by the Sustainable Investment Forum video-recorded, July 2021
- In-house presentation to PwC consultants on Cost Dynamics of Electrolysis-Based Hydrogen, June 2021
- Speaker on „The Rapid Advances in Renewable Energy“, Energy Investment Forum 2020, Budapest, November 2020
- Lecturer, Summer School “Accounting for Capacity Investments”, Institute for Management Studies, University of Vienna, October 2020
- Panelist, Professional Accounting Conference, University of Toronto, October 2020
- Keynote Speaker, World Hydrogen Congress, Paris, September 2020
- Speaker on „The Role of Hydrogen in Decarbonized Energy Economies“, Energy@Stanford Conference, Stanford University, September 2020
- Plenary Speaker, Production and Operations Management Society, Washington DC, May 2019
- Panelist, Conference on Climate-Related Financial Reporting, Cambridge University, April 2019
- Speaker, Accounting Research Committee, Verein fuer Socialpolitik, Basel University, March 2019
- Plenary Speaker, Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft, Duesseldorf, September, 2018
- Delegate, Jefferson Innovation Workshop, Washington DC, February 2018
- Speaker, UCLA Accounting Workshop, UCLA, March, 2018
- Speaker, Burton Workshop, Columbia University, November 2017
- Lecturer, Summer School “Capacity Investments: Planning and Control”, Institute for Management Studies, University of Vienna, June 2017
- Speaker, Theory of the Firm Committee, Verein fuer Socialpolitik, Frankfurt, May 2017
- Plenary Speaker, 6th Mannheim Energy Conference, ZEW, May 2017
- Presenter, Contemporary Accounting Research Conference, University of Waterloo, October 2016
- Speaker, Doctoral Consortium of the Canadian Accounting Association, University of Waterloo, October 2016