Prof. Dr. Andreas Simon
Andreas Simon is a Visiting Professor at the University of Mannheim in the area of Accounting and Finance. Moreover, Dr. Simon is an Associate Professor of Accounting at the Graziadio Business School, Pepperdine University. Prior to joining Pepperdine, he served as Assistant Professor at Cal Poly Tech University, and a year as visiting scholar at The Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. Prof. Simon received his PhD in Accounting from The University of Queensland, Australia and his B.A. in Accounting and Finance from The University of Applied Sciences – Berlin, Germany. His research expertise lies at the intersection of financial statement analysis and equity valuation, performance of security analysts’ outputs, information disclosure, and investor behavior. His published articles can be viewed in leading academic journals such Contemporary Accounting Research, Accounting Horizons, and Journal of Business Finance & Accounting. A passionate teacher, Prof. Simon received the Ernst & Young Outstanding Educator Award and the Howard A. White Teaching Award for Teaching Excellence as the only Professor at the Graziadio Business School.