
  • Accreditation of courses taken abroad


    Students in the MMM can find information on course recognition and learning agreements here; M. Sc. students in business education will find them here. The business school’s undergraduate and double degree students will be informed directly by the dean’s office. Students from other schools with a minor in business should contact Cathrin Rieger at the dean’s office.

  • Letters of Recommendation

    Letters of recommendation for all students of business administration are allocated centrally by the dean's office of the Business School. All information required for requesting a letter of recommendation can be found on the website of the Business School. In case of further questions, please contact the dean's office ( All other students, please contact the dean's office of your respective school.

    For letters of recommendation, for which Prof. Daske has been appointed by the dean's office, please contact the secretary's office of the chair. The following documents are required:

    • current transcript of records and (if applicable) Bachelor certificate / Diploma Supplement
    • current peer group ranking by the student service office (available upon request)
    • CV
    • letter of motivation as attached to the application (if required by the institution)
    • description of the program you are applying for (link)
    • the template of the letter of appraisal (“Gutachten”)- if existent

    Please inform us by which date you need the letter of recommendation and what address (or internet link) it should be send to.