Seminar Data-Science II (Empirical Studies)

IS 723 for Master students (M.Sc. MMM, M.Sc. WiPäd)

LecturerProf. Dr. Markus Strohmaier, Marlene Lutz
Course FormatSeminar
Credit Points6 ECTS
GradingWritten report (60%), oral presentations (40%)
Examination dateSee schedule below
Information for Students

The course is limited to 12 participants. The registration process is explained below.


For administrative questions, please contact

Marlene Lutz

Marlene Lutz

Research Assistant
University of Mannheim
L 15, 1–6
3rd floor – Room 323
68161 Mannheim
Maximilian Kreutner

Maximilian Kreutner

Research Assistant
University of Mannheim
L 15, 1–6
3rd floor – Room 322
68161 Mannheim

Course Information

  • Course Description

    The learning goals will be achieved by in-depth learning from examples on the basis of personally assigned scientific topics as well as by active participation in the presentation sessions. The organizer will choose subject areas within the field of data science and provide scientific papers for the students to work through.

    Previous participation in courses offered by our chair is recommended.

  • Objectives

    On the basis of scientific literature, in particular original research articles, students independently familiarize themselves with one topic in data science. They classify and narrow down the scope of the topic appropriately and provide a critical evaluation. Students work out concepts, procedures and results of a given topic clearly and with appropriate formalisms. They do so in-depth by writing in a concise manner and to a defined extent. They are expected to show evidence of independent development of their arguments by presenting self-selected examples. Towards the end of the course they give a descriptive, in-depth oral presentation of the data science topic using suitable media and examples in an agreed-on format.

  • Topics

    In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, language models play a crucial role in shaping and analysing textual content. As their influence on our daily lives continues to grow, the responsible use of language models becomes an imperative consideration.  This seminar explores the responsibilities associated with language models and their applications aiming to raise awareness of their societal impact. The students will gain insights into the ethical considerations, biases, transparency, and regulatory aspects of working with language models.

  • Schedule

    Registration period

    01.01.24 – 12.02.24 (11.59 PM) see “Registration”
    Notification of acceptance/rejection14.02.24 (lunchtime) 
    Kick-off meeting

    week of the 19.02.24

    assignment of seminar topics
    Drop-out until15.02.24 (lunchtime) 
    MidtermTBAmidterm presentations


    endterm presentations
    Submission deadlineTBA 
  • Registration

    If you are interested in this seminar, please apply to Marlene Lutz via email. 

    Please start the Subject Line with “[SemDSII]”, and provide some details about your background, e.g., whether you have taken some relevant classes before (cf. course description).