Accountability with Large Electorates, The Economic Journal, 129 (620), 1529-1560, 2019 (with Emre Aytimur).
Mass Media, Instrumental Information, and Electoral Accountability, Journal of Public Economics, 134, 75–84, 2016 (with Oliver Himmler).
Newspaper Circulation and Local Government Efficiency, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 113(2), 470–492, 2011 (with Oliver Himmler).
Media Activity and Public Spending, Economics of Governance, 11(4), 309–332, 2010 (with Oliver Himmler).
Working papers
On Defaults, Framing, and Local Tax Policy: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Portugal, CESifo Working Paper No. 10582, 2023 (with Mariana Lopes da Fonseca).
On the Electoral College and Election Inversion (with David-Maximilian Storch).
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