Bild: privat
Research interests
- Public economics
- Political economics
- Microeconomics
- Game theory
Refereed journals
- Accountability with Large Electorates, The Economic Journal, 129 (620), 1529-1560, 2019 (with Emre Aytimur).
- Mass Media, Instrumental Information, and Electoral Accountability, Journal of Public Economics, 134, 75–84, 2016 (with Oliver Himmler).
- Newspaper Circulation and Local Government Efficiency, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 113(2), 470–492, 2011 (with Oliver Himmler).
- Media Activity and Public Spending, Economics of Governance, 11(4), 309–332, 2010 (with Oliver Himmler).
Working papers
- On Defaults, Framing, and Local Tax Policy: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Portugal, CESifo Working Paper No. 10582, 2023 (with Mariana Lopes da Fonseca).
- On the Incumbency Advantage and Electoral Accountability (with Emre Aytimur).
- Transparency and Electoral Accountability – On the Role of Politicians' Talent (with Emre Aytimur).
Work in progress
- Accountability with Polarized Electorates (with Robert Schwager).
- On the Electoral College and Election Inversion (with David-Maximilian Storch).