- Kempf, E. and Spalt, O. (2023). Attracting the sharks: Corporate innovation and securities class action lawsuits. Management Science, 69, 1805-1834.
- Schneider, C. and Spalt, O. (2021). Bidder and target size effects in M&A are not driven by overconfidence or agency problems. Critical Finance Review (forthcoming).
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- Kempf, E., Manconi, A. and Spalt, O. (2017). Learning by doing: The value of experience and the origins of skill for mutual fund managers. SSRN Working Paper Series. Rochester, NY.
- Manconi, A., Rizzo, A. E. and Spalt, O. (2017). Diversity investing. SSRN Working Paper Series. Rochester, NY.
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