Chair of Financial Markets and Financial Institutions
Prof. Dr. Oliver Spalt
Credit: Rike Allendörfer
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Main fields of research
- Behavioral Finance
- Corporate Governance
- Financial Institutions
- Kempf, E. and Spalt, O. (2023). Attracting the sharks: Corporate innovation and securities class action lawsuits. Management Science, 69, 1805-1834.
- Schneider, C. and Spalt, O. (2021). Bidder and target size effects in M&A are not driven by overconfidence or agency problems. Critical Finance Review (forthcoming).
- Baele, L., Driessen, J., Ebert, S., Londono, J. M. and Spalt, O. (2019). Cumulative prospect theory, option returns, and the variance premium. The Review of Financial Studies, 32, 3667-3723.
- Kempf, E., Manconi, A. and Spalt, O. (2017). Distracted shareholders and corporate actions. The Review of Financial Studies, 30, 1660-1695.
- Schneider, C. and Spalt, O. (2017). Acquisitions as lotteries? The selection of target-firm risk and its impact on merger outcomes. Critical Finance Review, 6, 77–132.
- Kumar, A., Page, J. K. and Spalt, O. (2016). Gambling and comovement. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis : JFQA, 51, 85–111.
- Schneider, C. and Spalt, O. (2016). Conglomerate investment, skewness, and the CEO long shot bias. The Journal of Finance, 71, 635–672.
- Kumar, A., Niessen-Ruenzi, A. and Spalt, O. (2015). What is in a name? Mutual fund flows when managers have foreign-sounding names. The Review of Financial Studies, 28, 2281-2321.
- Dittmann, I., Maug, E. and Spalt, O. (2013). Indexing executive compensation contracts. The Review of Financial Studies, 26, 3182-3224.
- Kumar, A., Page, J. K. and Spalt, O. (2013). Investor sentiment and return comovements: Evidence from stock splits and headquarters changes. Review of Finance, 17, 921–953.
- Spalt, O. (2013). Probability weighting and employee stock options. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis : JFQA, 48, 1085-1118.
- Kumar, A., Page, J. K. and Spalt, O. (2011). Religious beliefs, gambling attitudes, and financial market outcomes. Journal of Financial Economics, 102, 671–708.
- Dittmann, I., Maug, E. and Spalt, O. (2010). Sticks or carrots? Optimal CEO compensation when managers are loss averse. The Journal of Finance, 65, 2015–2050.