Career Opportunities in Accounting and Auditing

The Chair of Business Administration, Accounting and Auditing supports you during as well as after your studies acting as your contact for several funding opportunities. We also offer support during the application procedure.

Moreover, we provide you with an overview of possible fields of work and employers in case you are pursuing a specialization in  accounting and auditing.

All information provided refers to former academic staff members of the Chair of Business Administration, Accounting and Auditing at the University of Mannheim. They were employed as student assistant, academic staff member or Akademischer Rat (senior instructor with tenure).

  • Supporting Scholarships

  • Career path: Research

    Your profound knowledge in accounting and auditing is the ideal requirement for an academic career in finance and accounting. You do not only have the opportunity to take on executive positions in the national education and higher education system but you can also profit from various international opportunities.

    Several of our alumni who were employed as student assistants, academic staff members or Akademischer Räte (senior instructors with tenure) work for: 

    Prof. Dr. Jannis Bischof

    Field of work: Professor

    Institution: Universität Mannheim

    Dr. Michael Iselborn

    Field of work: Management consultancy

    Institution: McKinsey & Comp., Inc.

    Prof. Dr. Christopher Koch

    Field of work: Professor

    Institution: Universität Mainz

    Dr. Peter Küting

    Field of work: Habilitation candidate at the Chair of International Accounting

    Institution: Ruhr-Universität Bochum

    Prof. Dr. Anne Najderek

    Field of work: Professor

    Institution: Fachhochschule Offenburg

    WP/StB Prof. Dr. Michael von Pock

    Field of work: Director of the Degree Program Accounting & Controlling

    Institution: DHBW Mannheim

    Dr. Michael Weber

    Field of work: Assistant Professor

    Institution: Chicago Booth School of Business

    Prof. Dr. Sonja Wüstemann

    Field of work: Professor

    Institution: Universität Frankfurt/Oder

  • Career path: Consulting and Auditing

    As a graduate of the chair with profound knowledge of accounting, auditing and due diligence you have the opportunity to work for consulting and auditing companies. Your economic understanding as well as specialized knowledge in finance and accounting gives you a broad range of opportunities to choose from. Anything from strategy consulting to consulting with a focus on auditing or tax consultancy to general auditing is possible.

    Several of our alumni who were employed as student assistants, academic staff members or Akademischer Räte (senior instructors with tenure) work for: 

    Dr. Kai Dänzer

    Field of work: Staff member in the Accounting Centre of Excellence

    Institution: EY

    Dr. Jan Fürwentsches

    Field of work: Auditor

    Institution: Deloitte

    Dr. Stephan Kaiser

    Field of work: Auditor

    Institution: KPMG

    Stefanie Möck

    Field of work: Valuation & Business Modelling

    Institution: EY

    Philipp Paul

    Field of work: Management consultant

    Institution: Boston Consulting Group

    Dr. Joachim Weber

    Field of work: Management consultant

    Institution: McKinsey & Company

  • Career path: Industry

    With a specialization in accounting and auditing you have a number of opportunities in the industry. Besides positions as experts in various departments, it is possible to take on executive positions with responsibility for other employees in finance and accounting. 

    Several of our alumni who were employed as student assistants, academic staff members or Akademischer Räte (senior instructors with tenure) work for:

    Dr. Thomas Brauchle

    Field of work: Corporate Accounting

    Institution: Siemens Financial Services

    Dr. Sigrid Dexheimer-Elgg

    Field of work: Manager Business Process Controlling and Financial Controls

    Institution: Novartis

    Dr. Mario Englert

    Field of work: Director Group Finance at LAUDA DR. R. WOBSER Asset Management GmbH

    Institution: LAUDA DR. R. WOBSER GMBH & CO. KG

    Dr. Andreas Duhr

    Field of work: Head of Accounting Excellence

    Institution: ThyssenKrup

    Dr. Simone Koch

    Field of work:  Corporate Accounting

    Institution: Bilfinger

    Dr. Christopher Sessar

    Field of work: Head of Global External Reporting                                     

    Institution: SAP

    Dr. Marc Weindel

    Field of work: Head of Accounting Methods and Guidelines

    Institution: Heidelberger Druckmaschinen

  • Career path: Finance

    Profound knowledge and expertise in accounting are valuable skills for a career in finance, banking and other areas e.g. private equity, venture capital etc.

    Several of our alumni who were employed as student assistants, academic staff members or Akademischer Räte (senior instructors with tenure) work for: 

    Marie Huss

    Field of work: Analystics Asia Pacific

    Institution: Bloomberg

    Dr. Matthias Maucher

    Field of work: Internal capital adequacy assessment process/

    Bundle management

    Institution: LBBW

    Celia Möller

    Field of work: Analyst

    Institution: Wendel (Venture Capital und Private Equity)

    David Quick

    Field of work: Trainee in Transaction Consultancy

    Institution: PwC

    Dr. Christina Reifschneider

    Field of work: Group Accounting

    Institution: ProCredit Holding (Entwicklungsbank

    Philipp Schmiegelt

    Field of work: M&A

    Institution: Bankhaus Metzler

  • Career path: Public Institutions

    Christian-Hendrik Heusermann

    Field of work: Civil Service (higher level).

    Embassy of the federal Republic of Germany

    Institution: Federal Foreign Office