Credit: Anna Logue
- Easton, P., Glenk, G., Kurtz, J., Landaverde Lorenzo, T. and Reichelstein, S. (2024). Accounting for corporate carbon emissions. Accountability in a Sustainable World Quarterly, 2, 64–72.
- Glenk, G., Holler, P. and Reichelstein, S. (2023). Advances in power-to-gas technologies: Cost and conversion efficiency. Energy & Environmental Science, 1–13.
- Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2022). Reversible Power-to-Gas systems for energy conversion and storage. Nature Communications, 13, 1–10.
- Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2022). The economic dynamics of competing power generation sources. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 168, 1–9.
- Comello, S., Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2021). Transitioning to clean energy transportation services: Life-cycle cost analysis for vehicle fleets. Applied Energy, 285, 1–11.
- Glenk, G., Meier, R. and Reichelstein, S. (2021). Cost dynamics of clean energy technologies. Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research : SBUR, 73, 179–206.
- Baumgarte, F., Glenk, G. and Rieger, A. (2020). Business models and profitability of energy storage. iScience, 23, 1–27.
- Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2020). Synergistic value in vertically integrated power‐to‐gas energy systems. Production and Operations Management, 29, 526–546.
- Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2019). Economics of converting renewable power to hydrogen. Nature Energy, 4, 216–222.
- Glenk, G. (2024). Corporate carbon accounting: Current practices and opportunities for research. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. (2024). Decision-useful carbon information. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G., Meier, R. and Reichelstein, S. (2024). Assessing the costs of industrial decarbonization. ZEW Discussion Papers, 24–061. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. (2023). Toward decision-useful carbon information. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G., Kelnhofer, A., Meier, R. and Reichelstein, S. (2023). Cost-efficient pathways to decarbonizing Portland cement production. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G., Kelnhofer, A., Meier, R. and Reichelstein, S. (2023). Cost-efficient pathways to decarbonizing Portland cement production. ZEW Discussion Papers, 23–023. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G., Holler, P. and Reichelstein, S. (2022). Advances in Power-to-Gas technologies: cost and conversion efficiency. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G., Meier, R. and Reichelstein, S. (2021). Clean energy technologies: Dynamics of cost and price. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G., Meier, R. and Reichelstein, S. (2021). Cost dynamics of clean energy technologies. ZEW Discussion Papers, 21–054. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2021). Energy conversion and storage: The value of reversible Power-to-Gas systems. ZEW Discussion Papers, 21–053. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2021). Energy conversion and storage: the value of reversible Power-to-Gas systems. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2021). Intermittent versus dispatchable power sources: An integrated competitive assessment. TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency Working Papers Series, 58. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2021). Intermittent versus dispatchable power sources: An integrated competitive assessment. ZEW Discussion Papers, 21–065. Mannheim.
- Comello, S., Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2020). Cost-efficient transition to clean energy transportation services. Mannheim.
- Comello, S., Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2020). Cost-efficient transition to clean energy transportation services. ZEW Discussion Papers, 20–054. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2020). Buffering the volatility in power markets: Reversible Power-to-Gas systems. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. (2019). Shared capacity and levelized cost with application to power-to-gas technology. MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research. Cambridge, MA.
- Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2019). Synergistic value in vertically integrated power-to-gas energy systems. Mannheim.
- Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2018). Operational volatility and synergistic value in vertically integrated energy systems. Working Papers, 3665. Stanford, CA: Stanford Graduate School of Business.
- Comello, S., Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2017). Levelized cost of electricity calculator : a user guide. Stanford, CA: Stanford Graduate School of Business.
- Glenk, G. and Reichelstein, S. (2017). Prospects for renewable hydrogen production. Working Papers, 3664. Stanford, CA: Stanford Graduate School of Business.
- Glenk, G. (2020). Cost competitiveness of alternative energy technologies. TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency Annual Conference 2020, Online.
- Glenk, G. (2020). Economics of green hydrogen and policy implications for rapid decarbonization. German Hydrogen Scale-up: Strategy and Delivery, Online.
- Glenk, G. (2019). Shared capacity and levelized cost with application to power-to-gas. 81. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des VHB, Rostock, Germany.
- Glenk, G. (2018). Operational volatility and synergistic value in hybrid energy systems. XIX. Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung, GEABA, Frankfurt, Germany.
- Glenk, G. (2018). Shared capacity and levelized cost with application to power-to-gas. 15th Annual Conference for Management Accounting Research, Vallendar, Germany.
- Glenk, G. (2018). Shared capacity and levelized cost with application to power-to-gas. Herbsttagung “Sustainability in Global Value Chains”, VHB, Augsburg, Germany.
- Glenk, G. (2018). The prospects for renewable hydrogen production. Seventh Mannheim Energy Conference, ZEW, Mannheim, Germany.
- Glenk, G. (2017). Is renewable energy bad for business? 6th Lindau Meeting on Economics Sciences, Lindau, Germany.
- Glenk, G. (2017). Synergistic value of hybrid energy systems. ETH PhD Academy on Sustainability and Technology 2017, Zürich, Switzerland.
- Glenk, G. (2017). Synergistic value of hybrid energy systems. IKEM Summer Academy ‘Energy and the Environment’ 2017, Berlin, Germany.
- Glenk, G. (2017). Synergistic value of hybrid energy systems. 7th Energy Colloquium of the Munich School of Engineering, München, Germany.