

Adjunct Faculty

StB Dr. Sven-Eric Bärsch, LL.B.
StB Prof. Dr. Stefan Brunsbach
Prof. Dr. Christoph Hütten
Dr. Claudia Max
Prof. Dr. Matthias Rogall
Dr. Holger Rubel
StB Prof. Dr. Michael Schaden, LL.M.
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schmundt
WP StB Dr. Ulrich Störk
Can Toygar
Dr. Steffen Wagner
WP Gero Wiechens, Dipl.-Kfm.
WP StB Prof. Dr. Peter Wollmert

Doctoral Students

Qi Gao, M.Sc.
WP StB Johannes Hausmann, M.Sc.
Dr. Jessica M. Müller
Matthias Uckert, M.Sc.

Managing Director TRR 266 for Mannheim


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Follow the link to the list of our emeriti.