Recent work
Recent Working Papers
Waßmuth, K., C. Köhler, N. Agatz, and M. Fleischmann, “Demand Management for Attended Home Delivery – A Literature Review”, 2022. Available at SSRN:
Beier, A., H. Stuckenschmidt, and M. Fleischmann, “Towards Supervised Learning of Optimal Replenishment Policies”, 2021. Available at
Müller, S., J. Huber, M. Fleischmann, and H Stuckenschmidt, “Data-driven inventory management under customer substitution”, 2020. Available at SSRN:
Dekker, R., M. Fleischmann, K. Inderfurth, and L.N. Van Wassenhove (eds.), Reverse Logistics – Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004.
Fleischmann, M., Quantitative Models for Reverse Logistics, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Volume 501, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001. (2nd print in 2004)
Papers by Subject Area
Closed-Loop Supply Chains/
Reverse Logistics Articles in refereed international journals
Hahler, S. and M. Fleischmann, “Strategic Grading in the Product Acquisition Process of a Reverse Supply Chain”, Production and Operations Management 26(8): 1498-1511, 2017.
Hahler, S., M. Fleischmann, “The Value of Acquisition Price Differentiation in Reverse Logistics”, Journal of Business Economics 83(1): 1–28, 2013.
Ferguson, M.E., M. Fleischmann, and G.C. Souza, “A Profit-Maximizing Approach to Disposition Decisions for Product Returns”, Decision Sciences Journal 42(3): 773–798, 2011.
Mahadevan, B., D.F. Pyke, and M. Fleischmann, „Periodic Review, Push Inventory Policies for Remanufacturing“, European Journal of Operational Research 151(3): 536–551, 2003.
Fleischmann, M. and R. Kuik, „On Optimal Inventory Control with Stochastic Item Returns“, European Journal of Operational Research 151(1): 25–37, 2003.
Fleischmann, M., R. Kuik, and R. Dekker, „Controlling Inventories with Stochastic Item Returns: A Basic Model“, European Journal of Operational Research 138(1): 63–75, 2002.
Fleischmann, M., P. Beullens, J.M. Bloemhof-Ruwaard and L.N. Van Wassenhove, „The Impact of Product Recovery on Logistics Network Design“, Production and Operations Management 10(2): 156–173, 2001.
Heisig, G. and M. Fleischmann, „Planning Stability in a Product Recovery System“, OR Spektrum 23(1): 25–50, 2001.
Fleischmann, M., H.R. Krikke, R. Dekker, and S.D.P. Flapper, „A Characterisation of Logistics Network for Product Recovery“, Omega 28(6): 653–666, 2000.
Dekker, R., J. Bloemhof-Ruwaard, M. Fleischmann, E. van der Laan, J. van Nunen, and L.N. Van Wassenhove, „Operational Research in Reversed Logistics: Some Recent Contributions“, The International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications 1(2): 141–155, 1998.
Fleischmann, M., J. Bloemhof-Ruwaard, R. Dekker, E. van der Laan, J. van Nunen, and L.N. Van Wassenhove, „Quantitative Models for Reverse Logistics: A Review“, European Journal of Operational Research 103(1): 1–17, 1997.
Book chapters and proceedings:
Fleischmann, M., M.R. Galbreth, and G. Tagaras, “Product Acquisition, Grading, and Disposition Decisions”, in: Closed-Loop Supply Chains: New Developments to Improve the Sustainability of Business Practices, (eds. M.E. Ferguson and G.C. Souza), Auerbach Publications, 2010.
Fleischmann, M., J. van Nunen, B. Gräve, and R. Gapp, „Reverse Logistics – Capturing Value in the Extended Supply Chain“, in: Supply Chain Management on Demand, (eds. C. Ann and H. Fromm), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005.
Fleischmann, M., J. Bloemhof-Ruwaard, P. Beullens, and R. Dekker, „Reverse Logistics Network Design“, in: Reverse Logistics – Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains, (eds. R. Dekker et al.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004.
Dekker, R., M. Fleischmann, K. Inderfurth, and L.N. Van Wassenhove, „Quantitative Models for Reverse Logistics Decision Making“, in: Reverse Logistics – Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains, (eds. R. Dekker et al.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004.
Fleischmann, M. and S. Minner, „Inventory Management in Closed-Loop Supply Chains“, in: Supply Chain Management and Reverse Logistics, (eds. H. Dyckhoff et al.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003.
Fleischmann, M., „Reverse Logistics Network Structures and Design“, in: Business Aspects of Closed-Loop Supply Chains, (eds. V.D.R. Guide and L.N. Van Wassenhove), Carnegie Mellon University Press, Pittsburgh, PA, 2003.
Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J.M., M. Fleischmann, and J.A.E.E. van Nunen, „Reviewing Distribution Issues in Reverse Logistics“, in: New Trends in Distribution Logistics, (eds. M.G. Speranza and P. Stähly), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999.
Laan, E.A. van der, M. Fleischmann, R. Dekker and L. Van Wassenhove, „Inventory control for joint manufacturing and remanufacturing“, in: Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management, (eds. S. Tayur et al.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 1998.
E-Fulfillment / E-Groceries
Current Working Papers
Waßmuth, K., C. Köhler, N. Agatz, and M. Fleischmann, “Demand Management for Attended Home Delivery – A Literature Review”, 2022. Available at SSRN:
Articles in refereed international journals:
Schwamberger, J., M. Fleischmann, A. Strauss, “Feeding the Nation—Dynamic Customer Contacting for E-Fulfillment in Times of Crisis”, Service Science, 2022.
Agatz, N., A. Campbell, M. Fleischmann, J. van Nunen, and M. Savelsbergh, “Revenue management opportunities for Internet retailers”, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 12(2): 128–138, 2013
Agatz, N., A. Campbell, M. Fleischmann, and M. Savelsbergh, „Time Slot Management in Attended Home Delivery“, Transportation Science 45(3): 435–449, 2011
Agatz, N., M. Fleischmann, and J. van Nunen, „E-Fulfillment and Multi-Channel Distribution: A Review „, European Journal of Operational Research 187(2): 339–356, 2008.
Inventory Management
Current working papers:
Beier, A., H. Stuckenschmidt, and M. Fleischmann, “Towards Supervised Learning of Optimal Replenishment Policies”, 2021. Available at
Müller, S., J. Huber, M. Fleischmann, and H Stuckenschmidt, “Data-driven inventory management under customer substitution”, 2020. Available at SSRN:
Articles in refereed international journals:
Schlapp, J., M. Fleischmann, and D. Sonntag, “Inventory timing: How to serve a stochastic season”, Production and Operations Management 31(7): 2891-2906, 2022.
Huber, J., S. Müller, M. Fleischmann, and H. Stuckenschmidt, “A data-driven newsvendor problem: From data to decision”, European Journal of Operational Research, 278(3): 904–915, 2019.
Schlapp, J. and M. Fleischmann, “Multiproduct Inventory Management Under Customer Substitution and Capacity Restrictions”, Operations Research 66 (3), 740–747, 2018.
Klosterhalfen, S.T., F. Holzhauer, and M. Fleischmann, “Control of a continuous production inventory system with production quantity restrictions”, European Journal of Operational Research 268(2): 569–581, 2018.
Tiemessen, H., M. Fleischmann, and G.J. Van Houtum, “Dynamic Control in Multi-Item Production/
Inventory Systems”, OR Spectrum 39(1): 165–191, 2017. Jalil, M.N., R.A. Zuidwijk, M. Fleischmann, and J.A.E.E. van Nunen, „Spare parts logistics and installed base information“, Journal of the Operational Research Society 62(3): 442–457, 2011.
Fleischmann, M., J. van Nunen, and B. Gräve, „Integrating Closed-Loop Supply Chains and Spare Parts Management at IBM“, Interfaces 33(6): 44–56, 2003.
Mahadevan, B., D.F. Pyke, and M. Fleischmann, „Periodic Review, Push Inventory Policies for Remanufacturing“, European Journal of Operational Research 151(3): 536–551, 2003.
Fleischmann, M. and R. Kuik, „On Optimal Inventory Control with Stochastic Item Returns“, European Journal of Operational Research 151(1): 25–37, 2003.
Fleischmann, M., R. Kuik, and R. Dekker, „Controlling Inventories with Stochastic Item Returns: A Basic Model“, European Journal of Operational Research 138(1): 63–75, 2002.
Book chapters and proceedings:
Fleischmann, M. and S. Minner, „Inventory Management in Closed-Loop Supply Chains“, in: Supply Chain Management and Reverse Logistics, (eds. H. Dyckhoff et al.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003.
Laan, E.A. van der, M. Fleischmann, R. Dekker and L. Van Wassenhove, „Inventory control for joint manufacturing and remanufacturing“, in: Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management, (eds. S. Tayur et al.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 1998.
Data-driven Supply Chain Planning
Current Working Papers
Beier, A., H. Stuckenschmidt, and M. Fleischmann, “Towards Supervised Learning of Optimal Replenishment Policies”, 2021. Available at
Müller, S., J. Huber, M. Fleischmann, and H Stuckenschmidt, “Data-driven inventory management under customer substitution”, 2020. Available at SSRN:
Revenue Management/
Demand Fulfillment Current working papers:
Schwamberger, J., M. Fleischmann, and A. Strauss, “Feeding the Nation-Dynamic Customer Contacting for E-Fulfillment in Times of Crisis”, 2021. Available at SSRN:
Articles in refereed international journals:
Fleischmann, M., K. Kloos, M. Nouri, R. Pibernik, “Single-period stochastic demand fulfillment in customer hierarchies”, European Journal of Operational Research 286 (1), 250–266, 2020.
Guhlich H., M. Fleischmann, L. Mönch, and R. Stolletz, “A clearing function based bid-price approach to integrated order acceptance and release decisions”, European Journal of Operational Research 268(1): 243–254, 2018.
Tiemessen, H.G.H., M. Fleischmann, G.J. van Houtum, J.A.E.E. van Nunen, and E. Pratsini “Dynamic Demand Fulfillment in Spare Parts Networks With Multiple Customer Classes”, European Journal of Operational Research 228(2): 367–380, 2013.
Agatz, N., A. Campbell, M. Fleischmann, J. van Nunen, and M. Savelsbergh, “Revenue management opportunities for Internet retailers”, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 12(2): 128–138, 2013
Quante, R., H. Meyr, and M. Fleischmann, „Revenue Management and Demand Fulfillment: Matching Applications, Models, and Software“, OR Spectrum 31(1): 31–62, 2009.
Gimpl-Heersink, L., C. Rudloff, M. Fleischmann, and A. Taudes, „Integrating Pricing and Inventory Control: Is it Worth the Effort?„, Business Research 1(1): 106–123, 2008.
Fleischmann, M., J.M. Hall, and D.F. Pyke, „Smart Pricing – Linking Pricing Decisions with Operational Insights (Research Brief)“, MIT Sloan Management Review 45(2): 9–13, 2004.
Spare Parts Logistics
Articles in refereed international journals:
Tiemessen, H.G.H., M. Fleischmann, G.J. van Houtum, J.A.E.E. van Nunen, and E. Pratsini “Dynamic Demand Fulfillment in Spare Parts Networks With Multiple Customer Classes”, European Journal of Operational Research 228(2): 367–380, 2013
Jalil, M.N., R.A. Zuidwijk, M. Fleischmann, and J.A.E.E. van Nunen, „Spare parts logistics and installed base information“, Journal of the Operational Research Society 62(3): 442–457, 2011.
Fleischmann, M., J. van Nunen, and B. Gräve, „Integrating Closed-Loop Supply Chains and Spare Parts Management at IBM“, Interfaces 33(6): 44–56, 2003.
Innovation Management
Articles in refereed international journals:
Mihm, J. and J. Schlapp, „Sourcing Innovation: On Feedback in Contests“, Management Science 65 (2): 559–576, 2019.
Schlapp, J., N. Oraiopoulos, and V. Mak. “Resource Allocation Decisions under Imperfect Evaluation and Organizational Dynamics.” Management Science 61(9): 2139-2159, 2015.
General Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Articles in refereed international journals:
Ziegler, M.J., Seifried, K., Kuske, P., and Fleischmann, M., “TRUMPF uses a mixed-integer model as decision support for strategic production network design”, INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics 49(3): 213–226, 2019.
von Falkenhausen, C., M. Fleischmann, and C. Bode, “How to Find the Right Supply Chain Strategy? An Analysis of Contingency Variables”, Decision Sciences 50 (4): 726–755, 2019.
Grosse, E. H., C. H. Glocke, and S. Müller, „Production Economics and the Learning Curve: A Meta-Analysis“, International Journal of Production Economics 170 (Part B): 401–412, 2015.
Jaehn, F., Otto, A., and Seifried, K., “Shunting operations at flat yards: retrieving freight railcars from storage tracks”, OR Spectrum 40(2): 367–393, 2018.