Master Thesis
Prerequisites and application
In order to write your master thesis at the Chair of Supply Chain Management you have to fulfill the following prerequisites:
- Completion of at least one module OPM 6XX (or an equivalent module within an exchange program) and
- Completion of a seminar OPM 7XX of the Area Operations Management.
Please send your complete application (as a single pdf document) to Hilal Müge Cakan. Your application should contain the following documents:
- Short letter of Motivation (including a desired starting date)
- Preferred topic
- CV
- Certificate of the passed Abitur (copy)
- Certificate of the passed B.Sc. studies (copy)
- Current grades (M.Sc. studies)
Before the formal registration of the thesis, you have to submit a short exposé, outlining the goal of the thesis and the research plan.
You will present initial results of your thesis in our chair's master colloquium (OPM 702). Conversely, you are expected to attend other students' colloquium presentations. After registering your thesis topic, you will receive invitations for the colloquium via email.
Supporting Materials
You can join the following ILIAS groups:
- Academic Writing for MMM Students: A comprehensive guide on academic writing specifically designed for MMM students. Access the group here to refine your writing skills.
- Business Studies and Economics: Literature Search: Designed to equip students with the skills to navigate scholarly databases and conduct comprehensive literature reviews. Access the group here.
Please note that exploring literature beyond A+ journals is encouraged.
Currently available topics
The Chair of Logistics and Supply Chain Management is currently offering the following master thesis topics (click on a topic for further information):
- Modelling the evolution of demand forecasts in production-inventory systems within uncertain and seasonal environments
- Optimizing reusable packaging systems
Additionally, there is an open position for a master thesis in cooperation with a company, you can find the description in the jobs section.
In addition, thesis topics in collaboration with companies are published in our jobs section. For these topics, please apply to the respective company directly. We have checked the published topics for feasibility and will supervise them if your application to the company is successful.
You can also propose a thesis topic yourself, in particular in the case of an intended collaboration with a company. All topics are subject to the chair's approval. Proposed topic should be related to our chair's research areas.
Please contact us at an early stage if you would like to propose a thesis topic. Please contact Hilal Müge Cakan and attach a description of the proposed topic. We will then assess its feasibility and inform you about whether we are willing to supervise it.
Currently ongoing theses
- Between Workforce Flexibility and Staffing Uncertainty: A Simulation Approach to Optimizing Vacation Management at Picnic GmbH
- Closing the loop of supply chains by Remanufacturing: An Optimization Modeling Approach for the Evaluation of Business Potentials
- Greening in the Chemical Industry: A Case Study on Green Product Line Design at MÜNZING CHEMIE GmbH
- The European Green Deal and its Implications for Supply Chain Management
You can find a selection of finished projects here.
General questions
For general questions related to Master Theses at our chair please contact Hilal Müge Cakan.