Network Science
IS 622 for Master students (M.Sc. MMM, M.Sc. WiPäd, M.Sc. VWL, M.Sc. Wirt. Inf., MMDS)
Lecturer | Dr. Jörg Schlötterer |
Course Format | Lecture |
Offering | FSS |
Credit Points | 6 ECTS |
Language | English |
Grading | Written exam |
Exam Date | To be announced |
Information for Students | The course is limited to 60 participants. Please register in time via Portal2. Students must pass at least 50% of the written assignments in the exercise class in order to take the final exam. |
Course Information
Course Description
The lecture gives an introduction to the analysis of networks. It includes theoretical foundations of social networks (definitions, representation as a graph, local structures), elementary graph algorithms (shortest path, clustering coefficient, ...), centrality measures for social networks (PageRank, betweenness centrality, ...), methods for community detection, phenomena in empirical social networks (scale-free networks, small-world phenomenon, homophilia, ...), graph models (random graphs, preferential attachment,...), robustness of graphs, as well as dynamics in networks, epidemics and information cascades.