Evaluation Results

Please find below the evaluation results regarding the “overall satisfaction” (1 best – 5 worst) for selected courses offered by the Chair of Service Operations Management:

SemesterCourse NameOverall Satisfaction
FSS21OPM 682 Revenue Management1.67
FSS20OPM 450 Fundamentals of Service Operations Management1.9
 OPM 581 Service Operations Management1.27
 OPM 682 Revenue Management1.0
FSS19OPM 450 Fundamentals of Service Operations Management1.5
 OPM 581 Service Operations Management1.67
 OPM 682 Revenue Management1.2
HWS18OPM 582 Case Studies in Service Operations Management (external company case)2.25
FSS18OPM 450 Fundamentals of Service Operations Management1.63
 OPM 581 Service Operations Management1.8
 OPM 682 Revenue Management1.2
FSS17OPM 450 Fundamentals of Service Operations Management1.76
 OPM 581 Service Operations Management1.91
 OPM 682 Revenue Management1.38
HWS16OPM 582 Case Studies in Service Operations Management1.47
FSS16OPM 450 Fundamentals of Service Operations Management2.04
 OPM 581 Service Operations Management1.66
 OPM 682 Revenue Management1.45
HWS15OPM 582 Case Studies in Service Operations Management1.56
FSS15OPM 450 Fundamentals of Service Operations Management1.87
 OPM 581 Service Operations Management1.82
 OPM 682 Revenue Management1.22
HWS14OPM 582 Case Studies in Service Operations Management1.33
FSS14OPM 450 Fundamentals of Service Operations Management2.14
 OPM 581 Service Operations Management1.48
 OPM 682 Revenue Management1.80