

Course offerings at the Chair of Service Operations Management

The Chair of Service Operations Management offers a variety of courses within the Bachelor’s Level, Master’s Level, and Doctoral Program. Below you can find a listing of the courses offered throughout the academic year. If you would like to see further information such as dates of lectures, exercises, and tutorials, you can find this information in Portal2 and on the e-learning-platform Ilias (matriculated students only).

Please find evaluation results of our courses in past terms here.

Courses offered in the Bachelor's program

Course nameCreditsDetailsTerm
CC 303 – Quantitative Methoden3 ECTS


Fall semester
OPM 450 – Business Analytics for Informed Decision-Making in Operations Management3 ECTS


Spring semester
Bachelor Thesis12 ECTS

Course details

Spring semester

Courses offered in the Master's program

Course nameCreditsDetailsTerm
OPM 581 – Service Operations Management6 ECTS


Fall semester
OPM 582 – Case Studies in Operations Management6 ECTS

Focus Theme in HWS 24: Unlocking the Power of AI

Fall semester/Spring semester
OPM 682 – Revenue Management – Analytics for Effective Resource Allocation and Value Creation6 ECTS


Spring semester
OPM 781 – Research Seminar Service Operations Management6 ECTS

Course details

Fall semester/Spring semester
OPM 782 – Master Colloquium Service Operations Management -


Fall semester/Spring semester
OPM 783 – Analytics Lab for Thesis Work-


Fall semester/Spring semester
Master Thesis (MMM)24 ECTS

Course details



Spring semester

Study Plans Master

An exemplary plan of study can be found here.

Doctoral courses

Course nameCreditsDetailsTerm
OPM 803 – Selected Topics in Nonlinear Optimization8 ECTS


Fall semester
OPM 901 – Brownbag Seminar Operations Management & Operations Research


Fall semester/Spring semester
OPM/IS 910 – Operations & Information Systems Research Seminar6 ECTS

Current schedule

Fall semester/Spring semester