All candidates for Master's Theses at the Chair for SME Research and Entrepreneurship must attend our Master's Colloquia during their period of writing and are obliged to present their research work once.
The presentation will take place during the first half of the writing period of the Master’s Thesis (at the latest 2 months after registration) in a colloquium session. This presentation is a detailed synopsis containing an overview of the literature, findings, methods and preliminary results collected so far. The presentations are scheduled for 30 minutes (including a 10 to 15 minute discussion). In your presentation, you should explain why your topic and your research question are important, what new insights might be gained from your work in the light of existing literature, and discuss hypotheses and the intended research methodology. The latter includes your empirical strategy (e.g., regression technique, dependent variable, independent variable, potential measures against endogeneity, and the number of controls you think about). It is important to clearly articulate the research question and, most importantly, to demonstrate the feasibility (e.g., access to data and timing) of your research project.
The Master's Colloquium is your platform and opportunity to discuss problems and questions related to your final thesis with your colleagues and supervisors. It is intended to promote the exchange of knowledge and experience between Master's Theses candidates. The students should address their questions in the Master’s Colloquium and not by e-mail. In general, presentations in the Master's Colloquium should be seen as an opportunity and a forum to get early feedback on one's work.
Presentation of your work (registration required)
After the “Go!” by your supervisor you can contact our secretary, Mrs. Schleicher, and arrange a presentation date (normally 3 presentations per Master’s Colloquium can be accommodated). Your registration request must include your student ID, your transcript with passed MAN 770, the name of your supervisor, and the area and title of your thesis. Please note that you have to register at least one week before the colloquium.
Place, time and obligatory presence
Participation in the Master's Colloquium is compulsory for all Master’s Thesis candidates throughout their period of writing, regardless of whether they are presenting in the respective session. In order to miss a meeting, a previous written exception from Mrs. Schleicher is needed, who is coordinating the dates and invitations of the Master’s Colloquia. The Master's Colloquium is regularly normally held every month throughout the calendar year (including the semester break).
The upcoming dates are:
- 14.2.2023, 10am-12pm, online
- 14.3.2023, 10am-12pm, online
- 17.4.2023, 10am-12pm, online
- 16.5.2023, 10am-12pm, online