Course Offerings

Master Courses

Course nameCreditsDetailsTerm
MAN 630 Introduction to Entrepreneurship6

MCEI/ Chair

Fall Semester
MAN 631 Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Practice6

Accelerator Format

MCEI/ Chair

Fall Semester
MAN 632 Advanced Entrepreneurship6

MCEI/ Chair

Spring Semester
MAN 634 Entrepreneurial Behaviour – Behavioural Crowds & Crowdfunding for Cultural, Creative and Sustainable Ideas6

MCEI/ Lehr­stuhl

Fall Semester
MAN 639 TRANSFORM – Innovation & Entrepreneurship for Sustainability6

MCEI/ Chair

Spring Semester
MAN 770 Research Seminar6


Every Semester
Master­'s Thesis24 MMM / 15 MMBR


Every Semester
Master's Thesis (Inside the Venture)24 MMM / 15 MMBR

Accelerator Format

MCEI/ Chair

Every Semester
Master's Colloquium


Usually Monthly

Doctoral Courses

Course nameCreditsDetailsTerm
MAN 801 Advances in Entrepreneurship and Management Research6


Spring Semester