Team Projects

Team Project Master Wifo & MMDS

New topics for team projects will be announced at the kick-off meeting at the beginning of the semester.

Past Projects

  • Decoding Word Embeddings: Developing a Visualization Tool for Interpretability
  • Development of a Blockchain-based Platform for Survey and Experiments
  • Biases in Football Discussions on Social Media
  • Qualities of Neural Embeddings
  • Characterizing Editors of Wikipedia Articles
  • A Blockchain-Based System for Course Submissions


For administrative questions, please contact

Prof. Dr. Markus Strohmaier

Prof. Dr. Markus Strohmaier

Lehr­stuhl für Data Science in den Wirtschafts- und Sozial­wissenschaften
Universität Mannheim
Fakultät für Betriebs­wirtschafts­lehre
L 15, 1–6
3. OG
68161 Mannheim
Marlene Lutz

Marlene Lutz

Wissenschaft­liche Mitarbeiterin
Universität Mannheim
L 15, 1–6
3. OG – Raum 323
68161 Mannheim
Maximilian Kreutner

Maximilian Kreutner

Wissenschaft­licher Mitarbeiter
Universität Mannheim
L 15, 1–6
3. OG – Raum 322
68161 Mannheim