
Mannheimers help
A joint fundraising campaign of the Business School of the University of Mannheim and Mannheim Business School for the benefit of Ukrainian network members
GBP Monitor: Crisis Mood Despite Rising Profits – Inadequate Government Assistance Entails Risks for Economy and Society
The study shows: 30% of companies are more inclined to reduce investments for research and development, cut jobs, and raise prices – and they are significantly less likely to consider the restrictions imposed by the government justified.
Studierende hören bei einer Vorlesung zu.
Part-time Master's degree and career with the Big 4
Panel Discussion and Business Speed Dating
Gap Year in Accounting & Taxation 2022/23
The next info session will take place on January 31.
Prof. Glenk und Dekan Lutz stehen vor einer Fensterwand
Business School Welcomes Assistant Professor
Gunther Glenk new Assistant Professor of Accounting at Mannheim Institute for Sustainable Energy Studies
Türkisfarbene Mappen liegen auf einem schwarzen Tisch. Die Mappe haben die weiße Aufschrift "SFB/Transregio 266, Accounting for Transparency".
GBP Monitoring Report Reveals Rising Company Profits for First Time During Pandemic, Some Caused by Price Increases
The November report of the German Business Panel (GBP) shows that the persistent decline of company profits seems to be stopped for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. The participating companies indicated that they want the new government to address the labor and skills shortage and ...
People in business attire sitting around a table
Job Offer: Teaching Assistant for the Course „Management and Cost Accounting“
The Chair of Business Administration and Accounting (Professor Jannis Bischof) offers several positions as Teaching Assistant for the Course „ACC 403 – Management and Cost Accounting“ (About 105 hours from March 2022 to June 2022). Management and Cost Accounting is a mandatory module for B.Sc. ...
MISES Job Offer: Student Researcher
Join the MISES team as a Student Research Assistant (m/f/d) on a basis of 20 to 40 hours per month. In this position, you will support ongoing research and teaching projects at our institute. In particular, student research assistants are involved in literature research, preparation and handling of ...
Students in the lecture hall
Accounting & Taxation in the MMM Program
The Area Accounting & Taxation invites all MMM students to a welcome presentation on Wednesday, September 8, at 1:45pm. Professors Jannis Bischof (Accounting) and Philipp Dörrenberg (Tax) will present the teaching concept of the Area and provide an overview of the different course options in our ...
Info Session Accounting & Taxation
Applications to master programs start soon. You are interested in a program that offers a focus on accounting, financial analysis, and taxation? On Tuesday, May 18, at 12:45pm Professors Bischof, Dörrenberg, Spengel and Wüstemann will offer a live video session to present these programs and answer ...