since 07/2021 Research group member at the institute for SME Research (ifm), research group “Family Firms”, University of Mannheim
since 05/2021 Postdoc at the Chair of Business Administration, Public & Nonprofit Management, University of Mannheim
07/2016 – 05/2021 Promotion for Dr. rer. pol. at the Chair of Business Administration, Public and Nonprofit Management, University of Mannheim, Prof. Dr. Bernd Helmig
09/2019–10/2019: Academic visitor at the University of Oxford, Said Buisness School, Oxford, England
09/2009–05/2012: Master of Arts in Culture and Business Administration: English/American Studies, University of Mannheim, Germany
01/2011–06/2011: Exchange semester at the Swansea University Wales, U.K.
09/2006–09/2009: Bachelor of Arts in Culture and Business Administration: English/American Studies, University of Mannheim, Germany
07/2006: Abitur at Gymnasium Weingarten, Weingarten, Germany
09/2019–06/2021: acadeMIA Fellow, Leadership and Career Enhancement Program for Women in Academia, University of Mannheim
03/2021: University of Edinburgh Business School Eighth Annual Paper Development Workshop
07/2018: ISTR PhD Seminar, 13th International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), Amsterdam, Netherlands
11/2017: Doctoral Fellowship Seminar, 46th Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), Grand Rapids, MI
Rottler, M., Helmig, B. and Ahrens, J.-P. (2020). The biased crowd? Personality perceptions in crowdfunding.
In , ICIS 2020 – Making Digital Inclusive: Blending the Local and the Global : India, December 13–16, 2020 (S. 1–9). ,
AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
Rottler, M., Ahrens, J.-P., Strohmeyer, R. and Onneken, F. (2022). Female leadership in family firms.
EQUA Stipendiatenkolloquium 2022, München, Germany.
Research Funding by the Women Go Abroad – Mobility Grants for Young Female Researchers, University of Mannheim (2020, 2021)
Research Scholarship (Conference Travel) by the Internationalization of Doctoral Education @the University of Mannheim Program (2019)
Research funding by the German Academic Exchange Service (2017, 2018)
Research scholarship by the Julius-Paul-Stiegler-Gedächtnis-Foundation (2017)
Research Scholarships
Research funding by the EQUA Foundation, Germany (2021–2022)
Research Funding by the Women Go Abroad – Mobility Grants for Young Female Researchers, University of Mannheim (2019)
Research funding by the German Academic Exchange Service (2011)
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