With the bachelor’s thesis, students work independently on a topic in business administration. It aims at enabling the students to identify a problem within a given period of time (10 weeks) and with limited resources on the basis of subject-related knowledge with the current scientific methods, to independently find a solution and to present the solution in an appropriate linguistic and formal manner.
The bachelor’s thesis can be written either in German or in English.
Knowledge collection bachelor thesis
Topics for Bachelor's Theses
The topics for bachelor’s theses at the Chair of SME Research and Entrepreneurship of Prof. Woywode focus on the current research areas at the chair and at the Insitute of SME Reserach and Entrepreneurship:
- Digitization and Competitiveness
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship and Social Change
- Family Business
- Bachelor Thesis Inside the Venture
The assignment of students to their individual topics of the bachelor’s thesis at the Chair of SME Research and Entrepreneurship is based on a submitted priority list and will be drawn by lots. The list of topics is updated annually and communicated to students writing their thesis at our chair at the start of the respective processing periods (Business Administration and Business Education).
Exemplary topics from past semesters
- Artificial Intelligence and its Adoption by Companies: A Literature Review
- The Role of Digital Platforms in Circular Construction
- Latent Entrepreneurship and Self-employment (of Migrants) – A Literature Review
- Innovation in the Succession Context of Family Firms
- Impact Entrepreneurship
- The Impact of Sustainability on the Performance of Family Businesses
- Women, Finance, and Entrepreneurship
To register for the bachelor’s thesis, students need to submit their chair priorities via the student portal (Portal²). Please observe the relevant deadlines: Termine und Fristen. The examination committee of the University of Mannheim carries out the allocation of students to the chairs (supervisors) of the faculty centrally.
During the introductory session, (see Termine und Fristen) elementary skills of scientific work as well as further information about the organizational procedure and crucial formalities will be conveyed.