
Der Lehr­stuhl für ABWL und Rechnungs­wesen bietet Studierenden der Fächer BWL und Wirtschafts­pädagogik die Möglichkeit, eine Bachelor­arbeit am Lehr­stuhl zu verfassen.

Die Organisation der Bachelor­arbeiten und die Zuteilung zu den Lehr­stühlen wird in beiden Fällen zentral vom Dekanat vorgenommen.

Beispiele Bachelor­arbeits­themen

  • From Word to Action? Real Effects of CSR Disclosure
  • Machine Learning and Accounting
  • Disclosure and Trans­parency Along the Supply Chain
  • Let's Agree to Disagree: The Divergence of ESG Ratings
  • What do NPOs Disclose? Analysis and Interpretation of Empirical Insight
  • Greenwashing: Biased Disclosure of ESG Information
  • Determinants and Consequences of Career Paths in Auditing
  • Staying Agile in Times of Crisis: The Costs and Benefits of Financial Flexibility
  • Do Managerial Incentives Matter? Earnings Management During a CEO's Tenure
  • Costs and Benefits of Limited Auditor Liability
  • Is There a Need for Mandating CSR Reporting? The Power of Disclosure Commitment
  • Disclosure Versus Recognition: Does the Positioning of Information Matter?