Der Lehrstuhl für ABWL und Rechnungswesen bietet Studierenden der Fächer BWL und Wirtschaftspädagogik die Möglichkeit, eine Bachelorarbeit am Lehrstuhl zu verfassen.
Die Organisation der Bachelorarbeiten und die Zuteilung zu den Lehrstühlen wird in beiden Fällen zentral vom Dekanat vorgenommen.
Beispiele Bachelorarbeitsthemen
- From Word to Action? Real Effects of CSR Disclosure
- Machine Learning and Accounting
- Disclosure and Transparency Along the Supply Chain
- Let's Agree to Disagree: The Divergence of ESG Ratings
- What do NPOs Disclose? Analysis and Interpretation of Empirical Insight
- Greenwashing: Biased Disclosure of ESG Information
- Determinants and Consequences of Career Paths in Auditing
- Staying Agile in Times of Crisis: The Costs and Benefits of Financial Flexibility
- Do Managerial Incentives Matter? Earnings Management During a CEO's Tenure
- Costs and Benefits of Limited Auditor Liability
- Is There a Need for Mandating CSR Reporting? The Power of Disclosure Commitment
- Disclosure Versus Recognition: Does the Positioning of Information Matter?