Dissertation project
Three Essays on Optimization Models in Manufacturing and Service Industries
Date of defense
13 April 2018
Research interests
Production ramp-up is the period of time during which the production rate is increased until the target rate is reached. Ramp-up planning is conducted for long-, mid-, and-short term planning horizons. In automotive production, ramp-ups have to be conducted in networks. On the strategic planning stage, ramp-up planning decides about the product-to-plant allocation, the timing of ramp-ups and ramp-downs, the ramp-up duration and shape of capacity, the production volumes per product per market over time, and the transportation volumes.
Refereed publications
Zamorano, E., A. Becker, and R. Stolletz (2018): Task assignment with start time-dependent processing times for personnel at check-in counters. Journal of Scheduling, 21 (1), 93–109
Becker, A., R. Stolletz, and T. Stäblein (2017): Strategic ramp-up planning in automotive production networks. International Journal of Production Research, 55 (1), 59–78.
Presentations at conferences, workshops, and research seminars
Becker, A., J. A. Schwarz, and R. Stolletz (2015): Stochastic influences on ramp-up planning. 4th Workshop on Queueing Theory, Obergurgl, Austria, December 2015.
Becker, A. and R. Stolletz (2015): Strategic ramp-up planning in automotive production networks. Automotive Workshop, Munich, September 2015.
Becker, A. and R. Stolletz (2015): Strategic ramp-up planning in automotive production networks. OR 2015, Vienna, Austria, September 2015.
Becker, A., E. Zamorano, and R. Stolletz (2015): Task assignment for personnel in check-in counters. Workshop on Workforce Planning, Mannheim, July 2015.
Becker, A., R. Stolletz, and T. Stäblein (2014): Strategic ramp-up planning in automotive production networks. Automotive Workshop, Mannheim, September 2014.
Becker, A. (2014): Product platform allocation and optimal ramp-up sequence of derivatives: An analysis from the automotive industry. 2nd International Conference on Ramp-Up Management, Aachen, June 2014.
Becker, A. and R. Stolletz (2014): Simultaneous optimization of the derivative-to-plant allocation and the sequence of ramp-ups in the automotive industry. 24. Workshop für Quantitative Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Meinerzhagen-Valbert, March 2014.
Becker, A. and R. Stolletz (2013): Optimal ramp-up sequence of derivatives: An analysis from the automotive industry – First results. 2nd Workshop on Queueing Theory, Obergurgl, Austria, December 2013.
2010 – 09/
Studies in Business Administration (M. Sc.), University of Mannheim
Studies in Business Administration (B. Sc.), University of Mannheim
Studies in Business Administration (semester abroad), Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Monterrey (Mexico)
Abitur, Leininger-Gymnasium, Grünstadt
Awards and grants
Scholarship of the Erich-Becker-Stiftung for the Master's thesis project „Task assignment for check-in counters at airports“, May – August 2012.
Professional experience
Program planning and capacity management, Daimler AG, Stuttgart
Doctoral employment, Production planning (ramp-up management), Daimler AG, Sindelfingen