Dr. Sebastian Kronenberger

Dr. Sebastian Kronenberger

University of Mannheim
Schloss Ostflügel – Room O 237
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
by appointment
  • Publications

  • Working Papers

    SSRN Author Page

    • “Audit Committee Independence and Auditor-Manager Disputes” with Sandra K. Kronenberger and Minlei Ye
    • “Fair Value Reporting Trade-offs“ with Sandra K. Kronenberger and Anna Waldner
    • “When Does a ‘Fresh Look’ Help? Incentives of Auditors with Unknown Fit” with Mingcherng Deng and Elisabeth Plietzsch
    • “Diversity and Team Incentives on Board of Directors” with Masako Darrough, Eunhee Kim, and Sandra K. Kronenberger
    • “Specialist’s Use in Valuation” with Sandra K. Kronenberger and Anna Waldner
    • “Effects of Transitory Client Characteristics on Auditor Switching Cost” with Christian Friedrich
    • “The Impact of public Country-by-Country Reporting on Firms’ Decisions” with Regina Ortmann, Dirk Simons, and Xinyan Wu
  • Teaching at University of Mannheim

    Spring 2021/22/23/24 Managerial Accounting (Bachelor)
    Spring 2022 Financial Accounting II: IFRS (Bachelor)
    Spring 2022 Disclosure Theory (Master)
    Fall 2020 Audit Theory (Master)
  • Academic Experience

    07/2023 Principal Investigator „TRR-266: Accounting for Transparency“, Project B06: Effects of Demand-driven Disclosures in Tax and Sustainability
    08/2020 Assistant Professor, Area Accounting and Taxation, University of Mannheim
    01/2024–02/2024 Visiting Researcher at Baruch College, City University of New York
    10/2016–07/2020 Post-Doc Researcher, Institute for Accounting und Auditing, Leibniz University Hannover
    08/2019–10/2019 Visiting Researcher at Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
    2012–2016 PhD Student in Accounting, Reporting, and Taxation (DART) at Karl-Franzens University of Graz, Austria
    08/2014–04/2015 Visiting Researcher at McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin
    2010–2012 Mannheim Master in Management at University of Mannheim and HANKEN School of Economics Helsinki, Finland