
Seminar Thesis

Seminars typically focus on specific core areas, such as earnings management, accounting, capital markets, or game theoretic approaches in accounting. A seminar consists of a seminar paper and a presentation. For the preparation of the seminar paper, the chair offers two writing phases from which students can freely choose.

The chair of Prof. Simons is once again hosting the accounting seminar of fall term 2024 in cooperation with the chair of Prof. Daske. The theme of this year's seminar series is “Enforcement of Disclosure Regulation”.

We accept applications for the seminar until June 10, 2024 (fast close period) and August 26, 2024 (final close period), respectively. The seminar registration form can be downloaded from ILIAS (search for: “ACC 750” in HWS 2024 using Portal2 and join the group).

For the seminar writing phase, you can choose between two eight-week periods: the fast-close period spans from 17 June 2024 to 12 August 2024 and the final-close period spans from 2 September 2024 to 28 October 2024. We will announce the allocation of topics via email on 17 June 2024 and on 2 September 2024, respectively (at 12 p.m.). The seminar presentation dates are 28 November and 29 November 2024.

Please submit your application via the task “Application Submission” on ILIAS. Your application should include your bachelor’s certificate, a recent transcript of records, and a completed registration form following the instructions provided in the form. The attached leaflet contains further information on the seminar series.