Thomas Johann

University of Mannheim
Business School
Chair of Finance
D – 68161 Mannheim
Office: L 9, 1–2, Raum 411
Phone: +49 (0) 621 181-1522
Fax: +49 (0) 621 181-1519
Email: johann
Consultation hours: by appointment
Short Bio
since 2019 | Assistant Professor at the Chair of Finance, University of Mannheim, Germany |
04/ | Graduation as Dr. rer. pol., University of Mannheim, Germany |
2011–2019 | Academic Staff Member at the Chair of Finance, University of Mannheim |
2010–2019 | PhD Student in Finance, Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences, University of Mannheim |
2009–2011 | Master of Science with a focus in Finance, University of Mannheim |
2008 | Exchange Student, HEC Montréal, Canada |
2006–2009 | Bachelor of Science, University of Mannheim |
Research Interest
- Corporate Finance
- Empirical Asset Pricing
- Market Microstructure