Topics Bachelor Thesis BWL

  • Exemplary Topics

    Topic AreaTopic DescriptionSupervisor
    Orchestrating software development processesThe demand of highly flexible and easily adaptable information systems is an ongoing trend. This results in increasing complexity and the need for coordination as a major challenge for software development nowadays. Together with the growth of software development environments toward large-scale, different contemporary approaches for orchestrating those processes from an organizational and technical perspective are observable. Following the concept of organizational agility seems to be one response across different industries. Consequently, the raise of agile trans­formations is ongoing but comes along with various challenges caused by higher deviation from the originally intended settings. A bachelor thesis in this topic area further examines phenomena of orchestrating software development processes, such as particular challenges coming along with the implementation of agile approaches based on a literature review.

    Karoline Glaser


    Process MiningThe simple idea of “analyzing enterprise performance via processing the event-log data of the enterprise” got a lot of attention in the past few years while the outcome of this analysis provided many enterprises with unexpectedly valuable information. As process mining already proved its power in many important areas, especially within enterprises, we are very interested to investigate other capabilities of this technology in general as well as its applications in other areas. The new applications of process mining in areas such as agile development, human computer interactions, user behavior analysis. A thesis in this topic area will provide a literature review on the context of organizational process mining.Fareed Zandkarimi
    Trans­parency, accompanied Employee Appraisals and Outcomes in Enterprise System ImplementationsHalf a decade ago, a typical manager might have monitored production output, revenue, and expenses, compared them with the budget, and observed workers periodically in person. In contrast, nowadays, advances in Information Technology and Enterprise Systems enable companies to create real-time trans­parency of the workers’ labor and business processes far beyond any magnitude envisioned in the past. However, few companies consider the perspective of the observed and try to balance business and employee needs. By neglecting the employee’s need for privacy, companies struggle with commitment to the job, turnover intentions, and employees responding with resistance as well as routinely falsifying data. A thesis in this topic area will provide a literature review in topics related to trans­parency, coping reactions of employees and outcomes on the job and technology.Tobias Nisius


  • Previous topics

    • Process mining data pre-processing using event log quality measures (Supervisor Fareed Zandkarimi)
    • Studying organizational routines with process mining (Supervisor Fareed Zandkarimi)
    • Process monitoring and simulation techniques in business analytics (Supervisor Fareed Zandkarimi)
    • Open science in information systems research (Supervisor Florian Pethig)
    • Discrimination in online environments (Supervisor Florian Pethig)
    • Web Users’ Interaction with Privacy Policies ( Supervisor Frederic Schlackl)
    • Success Determinants of Phishing Emails ( Supervisor Frederic Schlackl)
    • Phishing Awareness Trainings (Supervisor Frederic Schlackl)
    • Software Development of Machine Learning Applications (Supervisor Karoline Glaser)
    • The Growth of Software Start-ups (Supervisor Karoline Glaser)
    • Software Development Practices in Start-up Companies (Supervisor Karoline Glaser)
    • Newcomer participation in online communities (Supervisor Florian Pethig)
    • Privacy fatigue (Supervisor Florian Pethig)
    • Online rating systems (Supervisor Florian Pethig)
    • The Impact of Enterprise Systems on the Working Routines of Individuals (Supervisor Johann Dietz)
    • Industry Specific Enhancements of ERP Systems (Supervisor Johann Dietz)
    • Leader­ship and decision-making in agile software development (Supervisor Karoline Glaser)
    • Agile Project Success (Supervisor Karoline Glaser)
    • Software Development in Crowdwork Environments (Supervisor Karoline Glaser)
    • Process monitoring and simulation techniques in business analytics (Supervisor Karoline Glaser)
    • Studying organizational routines with process mining (Supervisor Fareed Zandkarimi)
    • User interface design and evaluation techniques in Agile teams (Supervisor Fareed Zandkarimi)
    • Control Enactment and Dynamics in Enterprise System Research (Supervisor Tobias Nisius)
    • The Concept of Process Trans­parency in Enterprise System Research (Supervisor Tobias Nisius)
    • Communication and Support Structures in Enterprise System Implementations (Supervisor Tobias Nisius)

    A full description of each topic can be found here.

    For further information regarding the general research interests of the Chair of Enterprise Systems please also see the details of our master’s seminar (IS 742) and the master thesis to get further ideas for potential research topics.