Bild: Tsvetina Tsonkova
Curriculum vitae Prof. Dr. Dörrenberg
Aktuelle Working Paper
- No Incidence Left Behind – Towards a Complete Understanding of Tax Incidence, revise and resubmit, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (mit F. Eble, D. Rostam-Afschar, J. Voget und R. Winter)
- Groups are more Libertarian than Individuals, revise and resubmit, Management Science (mit Ch. Feldhaus, F. Kölle und A. Ockenfels)
- Central Bank Inflation Forecasts and Firms’ Price Setting in Times of High Inflation (mit F. Eble, Ch. Karlsson, D. Rostam-Afschar, B. Tödtmann und J. Voget)
- Politicians´ Social Welfare Criteria. An Experiment With German Legislators, reject and resubmit, Economic Journal (mit S. Ambuehl, S. Blesse, Ch. Feldhaus und A. Ockenfels)
- The End of Work Feels Near. How do People Perceive the Impact of Digital Technologies and Automation? (mit M. Artz und S. Blesse)
- How to Improve Small Firms' Payroll Tax Compliance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment, revise and resubmit, Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics (mit A. Pfrang und J. Schmitz)
- I am a Taxpayer ... Get Me Out of Here?!? Evidence on Attitudes Towards Simplifying the Tax Jungle, revise and resubmit, Economica (mit S. Blesse und F. Buhlmann)
- Gender Discrimination against Pre-PhD Students: Evidence from a Field Experiment, reject and resubmit, Journal of Human Resources (mit S. Berger, Ch. Feldhaus, R. Gerber und A. Wyss)
- How Does Group-Decision Making Affect Subsequent Individual Behavior?, revise and resubmit, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (mit Ch. Feldhaus)
- How Does Firm Tax Evasion Affect Prices?, revise and resubmit, European Accounting Review (mit D. Duncan) (this is a substantially revised version of a working paper that circulated under the title 'Tax Incidence in the Presence of Tax Evasion')
Ausgewählte Publikationen
- Bischof, Jannis, Rostam-Afschar, Davud, Simons, Dirk und Johannes Voget (202x), The German Business Panel: Firm-Level Data for Accounting and Taxation Research, forthcoming, European Accounting Review.
- Buhlmann, Florian, Philipp Doerrenberg, Benjamin Loos und Johannes Voget (202x), How do taxes affect the trading behavior of private investors? Evidence from individual portfolio data, forthcoming, Management Science.
- Dörrenberg, Philipp, Denvil Duncan und Danyang Li (202x), The (in)visible hand: do workers discriminate against employers?, forthcoming, Journal of Public Economics.
- Dörrenberg, Philipp, Denvil Duncan und Max Loeffler (2022), Asymmetric labor-supply responses to wage-rate changes: experimental evidence from an online labor market, Labour Economics.
- Blesse, Sebastian, Philipp Dörrenberg und Anna Rauch (2019), Higher taxes on less elastic goods? Evidence from German municipalities, Regional Science and Urban Economics.
- Dolls, Mathias, Philipp Dörrenberg, Andreas Peichl und Holger Stichnoth (2018), Do retirement savings increase in response to information about retirement and expected pensions?, Journal of Public Economics 158, 168–179.
- Asatryan, Zareh, Benjamin Bittschi und Philipp Dörrenberg (2017), Remittances and Public Finances: Evidence from Oil-Price Shocks, Journal of Public Economics 155, 122–137.
- Dörrenberg, Philipp und Jan Schmitz (2017), Tax compliance and information provision -- A field experiment with small firms, Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy 1(1), 47–54.
- Dörrenberg, Philipp, Andreas Peichl und Sebastian Siegloch (2017), The Elasticity of Taxable Income in the Presence of Deduction Possibilities, Journal of Public Economics 151, 41–55.
- Dörrenberg, Philipp, Denvil Duncan und Christopher Zeppenfeld (2015), Circumstantial Risk: Impact of future tax evasion and labor supply opportunities on risk exposure, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 109, 85–100.
- Dörrenberg, Philipp und Denvil Duncan (2014), Experimental Evidence on the Relationship between Tax Evasion Opportunities and Labor Supply, European Economic Review 68, 48–70.