Area Economic and Business Education

The Area Economic and Business Education at the University of Mannheim is one of the biggest locations for Economic and Business Education in Germany. The area is part of the Business School and one of the profile determining study programs at the University of Mannheim. Research and teaching of the area is based on the following aspects.

1. Teacher education for commercial schools

2. Education of young professionals for corporations and further organisations of vocational and extended education. 

3. Teacher education for schools of general education (teaching position at secondary schools – subject business economics)

The Area Economic and Business Education aims to qualify students against the backdrop of polyvalence, preparing them for school and business working environments.

Picture of hands with laptop and lettering: Business School newsletter for current students, prospective students and alumni
Newsletter for Students of Economic & Business Education

Stay informed with our regular newsletters with infos on studying, the Business School, internship and job opportunities. 



Clara Vonhof, M.Sc.

Clara Vonhof, M.Sc.

Program Management Bachelor and Master in Economic and Business Education
University of Mannheim
L 4, 1 – Room 001 (ground floor)
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Please note: Only online consultations are offered currently. Please make an appointment at
Isabella Heppting, M.A.

Isabella Heppting, M.A.

Manager Exam Affairs of the Economic and Business Education programs
You can contact me via e-mail, teams or make an online appointment
University of Mannheim
Office of the Examination Committees Business Administration and Business Education
L9, 7 – Room 302 (3rd floor)
68161 Mannheim
Consultation hour(s):
Please make an online appointment via