
Prof. (em.) Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Bühler

Since 1990, Wolfgang F. Bühler has held the position of the Chair of Finance at the University of Mannheim, one of the oldest business schools in Germany, and has been a research professor at the Center of European Economic Research in Mannheim. In 2009, he retired from both positions and accepted a three-years contract as full professor at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. He holds a masters degree in Mathematics from Munich University (1968), received his Ph.D. from the Technical University at Aachen (1971) and his venia legendi in Business Administration and Operation Research from the same university (1976). In 1977, he was appointed as the Chair of Finance at Dortmund University.

Following a period of work on dynamic games, stochastic linear programming and financial planning under incomplete information, he started with the quantitative analysis of bond markets in the late seventies. The topics of his research interests include theoretical and empirical analysis of capital markets, fixed income analysis, valuation of derivatives and structured products, and management of market, credit, commodity and liquidity risk.

In 1988, he initiated and chaired a large research program named ”Empirical Capital Market Research“, which was sponsored by the German National Science Foundation. This program consisted of 18 individual projects. Within this program, he coordinated the construction of the large German Financial Data Base with stock, bond and balance sheet data.

Professor Bühler’s work has been published widely in academic journals. He has also served on the editorial board of several international journals. He has written three monographs and edited five books. He also served as a member of program committees for numerous national and international conferences, as the president of the German Finance Association, as a member of the Faculty of the European Doctoral Program in Finance and as a referee of research programs of the German National Science Foundation.