Placements ehemaliger DoktorandInnen

Job Market KandidatInnen 2016

Dr. Michael Ungeheuer

Dr. Michael Ungeheuer


Job Market Paper: Stock Returns and the Cross-Section of Investor Attention
Supervisor: Stefan Ruenzi
Research Focus: Empirical Asset Pricing, Investor Behavior
Placement: Assistant Professor, Aalto Unversity

Job Market KandidatInnen 2015

Dr. Alexander Hillert

Dr. Alexander Hillert


Job Market Paper: Ninety Years of Media Coverage and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns
Supervisor: Stefan Ruenzi
Research Focus: Empirical Asset Pricing, Textual Analysis, Behavioral Finance, Empirical Corporate Finance
Placement: Assistant Professor, Goethe University Frankfurt

Dr. Lena Jaroszek

Dr. Lena Jaroszek


Job Market Paper: Think Twice or Be Wise in Consumer Credit Choices
Supervisor: Stefan Ruenzi
Research Focus: Behavioral Finance, Empirical Asset Pricing, Household Finance
Placement: Assistant Professor, Copenhagen Business School

Dr. Esad Smajlbegovic

Dr. Esad Smajlbegovic


Job Market Paper: Regional Economic Activity and Stock Returns
Supervisor: Erik Theissen
Research Focus: Empirical Asset Pricing and Behavior Finance, with an emphasis on Market Segmentation and Investments
Placement: Assistant Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Weitere ehemalige Job Market KandidatInnen

Dr. Stefan Obernberger

Dr. Stefan Obernberger


Placement: Assistant Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Dr. Nic Schaub

Dr. Nic Schaub


Placement: Assistant Professor, University of St. Gallen

Dr. Christine Laudenbach

Dr. Christine Laudenbach


Placement: Assistant Professor, Goethe University Frankfurt

Prof. Dr. Florian Weigert

Prof. Dr. Florian Weigert


Placement: Assistant Professor, University of St. Gallen

Dr. Olga Klein

Dr. Olga Klein


Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Warwick

Dr. Christian Andres

Dr. Christian Andres


Erstes Placement: Associate Professor, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz
Aktuelle Position: Professor für Empirical Corporate Finance, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management

Dr. André Betzer

Dr. André Betzer


Erstes Placement: Assistant Professor, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Aktuelle Position: Professor für Finance and Corporate Governance, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Prof. Dr. Oliver Spalt

Prof. Dr. Oliver Spalt


Erstes Placement: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin
Aktuelle Position: Professor an der Universität Mannheim

Dr. Zacharias Sautner

Dr. Zacharias Sautner


Erstes Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam
Aktuelle Position: Professor für Finance, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Dr. Lars Norden

Dr. Lars Norden


Erstes Placement: Assistant Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Aktuelle Position: Professor für Banking and Finance, Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE)