Finance Research Seminar Series
Datum: Montag, 3:30 – 4:45 pm
Ort: O 135 (Saal der starken Marken) Schloss Ostflügel
Hinweis: Zählt als Kurs FIN 910 „Area Seminar Finance“ für GESS Studierende/
HWS 2024
Date | Speaker | University/ | Title of Presentation |
9-Sep-24 | Paul Ehling | BI Norwegian Business School | CEO-driven Asset Prices |
16-Sep-24 | Stephen Terry | University of Michigan | Real Credit Cycles |
23-Sep-24 | Mila Sherman | Isenberg School of Management, UMass Amherst | Are the Hedges of Funds Green? |
30-Sep-24 | Richard Evans | University of Virginia | MiFID II Research Unbundling: Cross-border Impact on Asset Managers |
7-Oct-24 | Gianpaolo Parise | Tilburg University | Green Window Dressing |
14-Oct-24 | Marius Guenzel | The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania | AI Personality Extraction from Faces: Labor Market Implications |
21-Oct-24 | Julian Sauvagnat | Bocconi University | Corporate Taxation and Carbon Emissions |
28-Oct-24 | Jessica Jeffers | HEC Paris | |
4-Nov-24 | Melissa Prado | Nova School of Business and Economics | Socially Responsible Investing and Multinationals' Pollution: Evidence from Global Remote Sensing Data |
11-Nov-24 | Maxime Bonelli | London Business School | Financial Product Incentives to Differentiate: Evidence from Mutual Funds |
25-Nov-24 | Pedro Saffi | University of Cambridge | Product Complexity, Investor Experience, and Returns |
2-Dec-24 | Tobin Hanspal | WU Vienna University of Economics and Business | Educating Investors about Dividends |
Informationen zu vergangenen Semestern
FSS 2024
Date Speaker University/ Institution Title of Presentation 19-Feb-24 Paul Ehling BI Norwegian Business School Postponed 4-Mar-24 Samuel Hartzmark Boston College Counterproductive Sustainable Investing: The Impact Elasticity of Brown and Green Firms 11-Mar-24 Constantine Yannelis Chicago Booth School of Business Data and Welfare in Credit Markets 18-Mar-24 Mark Egan Harward Business School What Drives Variation in Investor Portfolios? Estimating the Roles of Beliefs and Risk Preferences 15-Apr-24 Simona Abis University of Colorado, Boulder Different shades of ESG investing 22-Apr-24 Francesco Franzoni USI Lugano and Swiss Finance Institute Avoiding Idiosyncratic Volatility: Flow Sensitivity to Individual Stock Returns 29-Apr-24 Josef Zechner Vienna University of Economics and Business Stochastic Social Preferences and Corporate Investment Decisions 6-May-24 Bo Bian UBC Sauder School of Business Financing the Global Shift to Electric Mobility 13-May-24 Sebastian Hillenbrand Harvard Business School Postponed 27-May-24 Barney Hartman-Glaser UCLA Anderson School of Management
HWS 2023
Date Speaker University/ Institution Title of Presentation 11-Sep-23 Ran Duchin Boston College Postponed 18-Sep-23 Ian Appel University of Virginia, Darden School of Business Decentralized Governance and Digital Asset Prices 25-Sep-23 Xiumin Martin University of Washington at St. Louis Platform-provided Disclosure on Investor Base and Entrepreneurial Success: Evidence from Crowdfunding 2-Oct-23 Erin Hengel LSE Gender and the time cost of peer review 9-Oct-23 Alessandro Previtero Indiana University Investor Protections and Stock Market Participation: An Evaluation of Financial Advisor Oversight 23-Oct-23 Giorgia Piacentino University of Southern California A New Theory of Credit Lines 6-Nov-23 Marieke Bos Stockholm School of Economics 13-Nov-23 Stephan Siegel University of Washington Political Divide and the Composition of Households’ Equity Portfolios 20-Nov-23 Constantine Yannelis University of Chicago Postponed 27-Nov-23 Joel Shapiro Oxford University Sustainable Investing and Public Goods Provision 11-Dec-23 David Schoenherr Princeton University The Economics of Legal Uncertainty FSS 2023
Date Speaker University/ Institution Title of Presentation 20-Feb-23 Merih Sevilir ESMT Berlin Private Equity in the Hospital Industry
6-Mar-23 Lisa Kramer University of Toronto Traces of Humanity: Liquidity and Human Behavior in the Machine Age 20-Mar-23 Alminas Zaldokas HKUST ESG Shocks in Global Supply Chains 27-Mar-23 Renee Adams Oxford University Good News for Some Banks 17-Apr-23 Olivier Dessaint INSEAD The Horizon of Investors’ Information and Corporate Investment 24-Apr-23 Bruno Biais HEC Paris Money implements dynamic optimal contracts 8-May-23 Robert Richmond New York University 15-May-23 Xiumin Martin University of Washington at St. Louis Postponed 22-May-23 Julian Koelbel University of St. Gallen The economic impact of ESG ratings HWS 2022
Date Speaker University Title 12-Sep-22 Anastasia Andrikogiannopoulou Kings College London Discretionary Information in ESG Investing: A Text Analysis of Mutual Fund Prospectuses 19-Sep-22 Lea H Stern University of Washington Venture Capital (Mis)Allocation in the Age of AI 26-Sep-22 Merih Sevilir ESMT Berlin Postponed to the Spring semester 2023 10-Oct-22 Jesper Rangvid Copenhagen Business School Why Do People Hold Deposits? 17-Oct-22 Peter Hoffmann European Central Bank The digital economy, privacy, and CBDC 24-Oct-22 Thomas Kroen International Monetary Fund Payout Restrictions and Bank Risk-Shifting 7-Nov-22 Anders Anderson Stockholm School of Economics Welfare Implications of Electric-Bike Subsidies: Evidence from Sweden 14-Nov-22 Emilio Bisetti Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Smokestacks and the Swamp 21-Nov-22 Lakshmi Naaraayanan London Business School 28-Nov-22 Johannes Stroebel New York University A Quantity-based Approach to Constructing Climate Risk Hedge Portfolios 5-Dec-22 Cameron Peng London School of Economics Investor Memory and Biased Beliefs: Evidence from the Field FSS 2022
Date Speaker University Title 21.02.2022 David Solomon Boston College Predictable Price Pressure 28.02.2022 Nuri Ersahin Michigan State University Do Short-Term Incentives Affect Long-Term Productivity? 07.03.2022 Raghavendra Rau University of Cambridge Are Women Undervalued? Board Gender Diversity and IPO Underpricing 14.03.2022 Amit Goyal University of Lausanne What Explains Momentum? A Perspective From International Data 21.03.2022 Tony Cookson University of Colorado – Boulder Do I Really Want to Hear The News? Public Information Arrival and Investor Beliefs 28.03.2022 Stanislav Sokolinski Rutgers Business School Automation and Inequality in Wealth Management 04.04.2022 Vicki L. Bogan Cornell University What Drives Racial Diversity on U.S. Corporate Boards? 25.04.2022 Alberto Rossi Georgetown University Goal Setting and Saving in the FinTech Era 02.05.2022 Andreas Neuhierl Olin Buisness School Missing Data in Asset Pricing Panels 09.05.2022 Zacharias Sautner Frankfurt School of Finance and Management Is History Repeating Itself? The (Un)predictable Past of ESG Ratings 16.05.2022 Lisa Kramer University of Toronto Postponed till Spring 2023 23.05.2022 Martin Oehmke London School of Economics and Political Science Green Capital Requirements HWS 2021
Date Speaker University Title 13.09.2021 Bilge Yilmaz University of Pennsylvania M&A Appraisal Litigation 27.09.2021 Kewei Hou Ohio State University 04.10.2021 Vikrant Vig London Business School 11.10.2021 Yuehua Tang University of Florida Surviving the Fintech Disruption 18.10.2021 Emanuele Colonnelli University of Chicago Selfish Corporations 25.10.2021 Paige Ouimet University of North-Carolina, Chapel Hill The Impact of the Opioid Crisis on Firm Value and Investment 08.11.2021 Anna Pavlova London Business School ESG Confusion and Stock Returns: Tackling the Problem of Noise 15.11.2021 Scott R. Baker Northwestern University What Triggers Stock Market Jumps? 22.11.2021 Scott E. Yonker Cornell University Fear and Risk: Do Visceral Factors Affect Risk Taking? 29.11.2021 Liu Yang University of Maryland Diversity of Skills and Early-Stage Growth 06.12.2021 Claudia Custodio Imperial College London Information Frictions and Firm Take up of Government Support: A Randomised Controlled Experiment FSS 2021
Date Speaker University Title 1-Mar-21 Kenneth Ahern Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California The Business of City Hall 15-Mar-21 Bilge Yilmaz The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Postponed 22-Mar-21 Cary Frydman Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California Efficient Coding and Risky Choice 12-Apr-21 Olivier Coibion University of Texas, Austin The Effect of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Household Spending
26-Apr-21 Joshua Coval Harvard Business School, Harvard University Teachers' Unions and Inequality in Educational Outcomes 3-May-21 Pat Akey University of Toronto Closet Active Management of Passive Funds 10-May-21 Joao Cocco London Business School When discounted rates end: the cost of taking action in the mortgage market 17-May-21 Jan Bena Sauder School of Business, The University of British Columbia Shareholder Disagreement and Firm Value: Evidence from Voting 31-May-21 Péter Kondor London School of Economics and Political Science Rational Cycles and Endogenous Lending Standards HWS 2020
Date Speaker Institution/ University Titel 5-Oct-20 Augustin Landier HEC, Paris ESG Investing: How to Optimize Impact? 12-Oct-20 Joao Cocco London Business School Moved to Spring 2021 19-Oct-20 Harjoat S. Bhamra Imperial College London The Geography of Beliefs 26-Oct-20 Miguel Ferreira Nova School of Business and Economics Trade Credit and the Transmission of Unconventional Monetary Policy 2-Nov-20 Igor Makarov London School of Economics and Political Science Outsized Arbitrage 9-Nov-20 Denis Gromb HEC Paris Financial Restructuring and Resolution of Banks 16-Nov-20 David Schumacher McGill University Mutual Fund Proliferation as an Entry Deterrent Strategy 23-Nov-20 Margarita Tsoutsoura Cornell University The Labor Costs of Pro-Labor Bias in Bankruptcy: Evidence from Brazil 30-Nov-20 Clemens Sialm University of Texas at Austin, McCombs Business School Currency Management by International Fixed Income Mutual Funds FSS 2020
Date Speaker Institution/ University Titel 2-Mar-20 Christian Opp University of Rochester The Aggregate Demand for Bank Capital 9-Mar-20 Joshua Coval Harvard University Cancelled 16-Mar-20 Jan Bena University of British Columbia Cancelled 30-Mar-20 Margarita Tsoutsoura Cornell University Cancelled 20-Apr-20 Joel Shapiro University of Oxford, Said Business School Cancelled 27-Apr-20 Augustin Landier HEC Paris Cancelled 4-May-20 Joao Cocco London Business School Cancelled 11-May-20 Harjoat S. Bhamra Imperial College London Cancelled 18-May-20 Pat Akey University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management Cancelled HWS 2019
Date Speaker University Titel 9-Sep-19 Theresa Kuchler New York University Peer Effects in Product Adoption 16-Sep-19 Yud Izhakian New York University Ambiguity and The Tradeoff Theory of Capital Structure 23-Sep-19 Ashwini Agrawal London School of Economocs and Political Science Takeovers and Employee Job Search 24-Sep-19 David Martinez Miera (SFB Seminar) University Carlos III of Madrid 30-Sep-19 Clifton Green Emory University Pay Inequality, Job Satisfaction, and Firm Performance 7-Oct-19 Georg Weizsäcker Humboldt-University Berlin Learning from unrealized versus realized prices 4-Nov-19 Ramin Baghai Stockholm School of Economics The Private Use of Credit Ratings: Evidence from Mutual Fund Investment Mandates 11-Nov-19 Murillo Campello Cornell University Personal Income Taxes and Labor Downskilling: Evidence from 27 Million Job Postings 18-Nov-19 Stefan Zeume University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Organized Crime and Firms: Evidence from Anti-Mafia Enforcement Actions 25-Nov-19 Jean-Noel Barrot HEC Paris Employment Effects of Alleviating Financing Frictions: Worker-level Evidence from a Loan Guarantee Programy 26-Nov-19 Ansgar Walther (SFB Seminar) Imperial College London 2-Dec-19 Henri Servaes London Business School Does Corporate Culture Add Value? Evidence from the Harvey Weinstein Scandal and the #MeToo Movement FSS 2019
18-Feb-19 Laurent Calvet EDHEC Business School Can financial innovation solve household reluctance to take risk? 25-Feb-19 Mark Egan Harvard University Arbitration with Uninformed Consumers 18-Mar-19 Doron Avramov The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya Predicting currency returns: New evidence on the forward premium puzzle and dollar-trade strategy 1-Apr-19 Alexei Ovtchinnikov HEC Paris Political Activism and Firm Innovation 6-May-19 Kim Peijnenburg EDHEC Business School Household Portfolio Underdiversification and Probability Weighting: Evidence from the Field 20-May-19 Philipp Krueger University of Geneva Institutional Investors’ Views and Preferences on Climate Risk Disclosure HWS 2018
Name Institut Titel 10-Sep-18
Alberto Manconi Bocconi University Can Technology Undermine Macroprudential Regulation? Evidence from Peer-to-Peer Credit in China 17-Sep-18
Xianming Zhou Australian National University Passive Institutional Ownership and Executive Compensation: Monitoring or Crowding Out? 08-Oct-18
Arna Olafsson Copenhagen Business School Credit Smoothing 15-Oct-18
Tracy Yue Wang University of Minnesota Public Attention to Gender Equality, Implicit Attitudes, and Corporate Outcomes 29-Oct-18
Francesco D'Acunto Boston College IQ, Expectations, and Choice 05-Nov-18
Roni Michaely University of Geneva Sticking Around Too Long? Dynamics of the Benefits of Dual-Class Structurese 19-Nov-18
Sophie Shive University of Notre Dame The Private Equity Return Gap 26-Nov-18
Marcin Kacperczyk Imperial College London The Private Production of Safe Assets 03-Dec-18
Susan Christoffersen University of Toronto Why Do Institutions Delay Reporting Their Shareholdings? Evidence from Form 13F FSS 2018
Datum Name Institut Titel 26-Feb-18 Inessa Liskovich University of Texas at Austin Borrowers in Search of Feedback: Evidence from Consumer Credit Markets 05-Mar-18 Ryan Riordan Queen's University The Market Microstructure of Central Bank Bond Purchases 12-Mar-18 Mariassunta Giannetti Stockholm School of Economics Adapting to Radical Change: The Benefits of Short-Horizon Investors 19-Mar-18 Simon Gervais Duke University The Equilibrium Value of Employee Ethics 09-Apr-18 Zacharias Sautner Frankfurt School of Finance & Management – cancelled – 23-Apr-18 Juhani Linnainmaa USC Marshall School of Business Factor Momentum 07-May-18 Michaela Pagel Columbia Business School Fully Closed: Individual Responses to Realized Capital Gains and Losses 28-May-18 Terrance Odean University of California at Berkeley Easy Money, Cheap Talk, or Spuds HWS 2017
Datum Name Institut Titel 11 September 2017 Christophe Spaenjers HEC Paris A Model of Trading in the Art Market 18 September 2017 Rui Silva London Business School Can Credit Rating Agencies Affect Election Outcomes? 25 September 2017 Elisabeth Kempf Chicago Booth School of Business Bright Ideas Gone Bust: Successful Innovation and Corporate Fraud 9 October 2017 Katya Malinova University of Toronto Does high frequency trading add noise to prices? 16 October 2017 Frederic Boissay Bank for International Settlements Macroeconomics of Bank Capital and Liquidity Regulations 23 October 2017 Melissa Prado Nova School of Business and Economics Competition and Cooperation in Mutual Fund Families 6 November 2017 Sabrina Howell NYU Stern School of Business The Impact of Delay in Going Public: Evidence from China 13 November 2017 Tarek Hassan Boston University Aggregate and Idiosyncratic Political Risk: Measurement and Effects 20 November 2017 Luigi Guiso Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance The Cost of Distorted Financial Advice: Evidence from the Mortgage Market 27 November 2017 Li An Tsinghua University Lottery-Related Anomalies: The Role of Reference-Dependent Preferences FSS 2017
Datum Name Institut Titel 20 February 2017 Talis Putnins University of Technology Sydney Welfare Costs of Informed Trade 27 February 2017 Jürgen Huber Universität Innsbruck Experimental Evidence on What is Risk and how it Affects Market Prices 6 March 2017 Alexander Ljungqvist NYU Board Monitoring, Strategic Interaction, and the Value of the Firm 13 March 2017 John Chalmers University of Oregon Is Conflicted Investment Advice Better than No Advice? 20 March 2017 Philip Valta University of Bern Debt in Political Campaigns 27 March 2017 Cary Frydman USC Marshall School of Business The Role of Salience and Attention in Choice Under Risk: An Experimental Investigation 3 April 2017 S. 'Vish' Viswanathan Duke University Risk Management in Financial Institutions 24 April 2017 Josef Zechner WU Vienna Market Implied Costs of Bankruptcy 8 May 2017 Kumar Venkataraman Southern Methodist University Capital Commitment and Illiquidity in Corporate Bonds 15 May 2017 Guillaume Vuillemey HEC Paris The Failure of a Clearing House: Empirical Evidence 22 May 2017 Heitor Almeida University of Illinois The Impact of Obamacare on Firm Employment and Performance HWS 2016
FSS 2016
Datum Name Institut Titel 22 February 2016 Yaniv Grinstein Cornell University and IDC Herzliya Relative Performance Evaluation in CEO Compensation: A Non Agency Explanation 29 February 2016 Tyler Muir Yale - cancelled – 7 March 2016 Johan Sulaeman National University of Singapore Does Sadness Influence Investor Behavior? Evidence from Bereaved Fund Managers 14 March 2016 Harald Hau University of Geneva Technological Progress and Ownership Structure 4 April 2016 Nicola Gennaioli Bocconi Diagnostic Expectations and Credit Cycles 11 April 2016 Nickolay Gantchev University of North Carolina Activism Mergers 18 April 2016 Kai Li University of British Columbia Regression Discontinuity and Shareholder Approval in M&As 25 April 2016 Joe Chen University of California, Davis Yield Curve Predictors of Foreign Exchange Returns 2 May 2016 Dirk Jenter Stanford Good and Bad CEOs 9 May 2016 Ran Duchin University of Washington - cancelled – 23 May 2016 Gustavo Manso University of California, Berkeley Heterogeneous Innovation over the Business Cycle 30 May 2016 Andrei Simonov Michigan State University Loss Averse Preferences, Performance, and Career Success of Institutional InvestorsFifty Shades of Corporate Culture7 June 2016Tuesday,12:30 am – 01:30 pmL9, 1–2, room 409 Jan Schneemeier Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System The Source of Information in Prices and Investment-Price Sensitivity 24 June 2016 Viral Acharya NYU Stern Monetary Easing and Financial Instability HWS 2015
Datum Name Institut Titel 14 September 2015 Giorgia Piacentino Washington University in St.Louis Warehouse Banking 21 September 2015 Christian Opp Wharton Learning about Distress 28 September 2015 Michelle Lowry Drexel University Informed Trading by Advisor Banks? a look at option holdings ahead of mergers 5 October 2015 Veronika Pool Indiana University Do shocks to personal wealth affect risk taking in delegated portfolios? 12 October 2015 Paolo Sodini Stockholm School of Economics - cancelled – 19 October 2015 Harald Hau University of Geneva - cancelled – 19 October 2015 Yuri Tserlukevich Arizona State University Is Market Timing Good for Shareholders? 26 October 2015 Chris Malloy Harvard Business School Lazy Prices 9 November 2015 Per Strömberg Stockholm School of Economics “Since you’re so rich, you must be really smart”: Talent and the Finance Wage Premium 16 November 2015 Francois Degeorge University of Lugano News Dissemination and Investor Attention 23 November 2015 Yan Hongjun Rutgers Business School Financial Intermediation Chains in an OTC Market FSS 2015
We thank the Wilhelm Müller Foundation for financial support of the University of Mannheim Finance Research Seminar Series.