Finance Research Seminar Series

Datum: Montag, 3:30 – 4:45 pm

Ort: O 135 (Saal der starken Marken) Schloss Ostflügel

Hinweis: Zählt als Kurs FIN 910 „Area Seminar Finance“ für GESS Studierende/Promovierende.

HWS 2024

DateSpeakerUniversity/Institution Title of Presentation
9-Sep-24Paul EhlingBI Norwegian Business SchoolCEO-driven Asset Prices
16-Sep-24Stephen TerryUniversity of MichiganReal Credit Cycles
23-Sep-24Mila ShermanIsenberg School of Management, UMass AmherstAre the Hedges of Funds Green?
30-Sep-24Richard EvansUniversity of VirginiaMiFID II Research Unbundling: Cross-border Impact on Asset Managers
7-Oct-24Gianpaolo PariseTilburg UniversityGreen Window Dressing
14-Oct-24Marius GuenzelThe Wharton School, University of PennsylvaniaAI Personality Extraction from Faces: Labor Market Implications
21-Oct-24Julian SauvagnatBocconi UniversityCorporate Taxation and Carbon Emissions
28-Oct-24Jessica JeffersHEC Paris

Collusion through Common Leader­ship

4-Nov-24Melissa PradoNova School of Business and EconomicsSocially Responsible Investing and Multinationals' Pollution: Evidence from Global Remote Sensing Data
11-Nov-24Maxime Bonelli

London Business School

Financial Product Incentives to Differentiate: Evidence from Mutual Funds

25-Nov-24Pedro SaffiUniversity of CambridgeProduct Complexity, Investor Experience, and Returns
2-Dec-24Tobin HanspalWU Vienna University of Economics and BusinessEducating Investors about Dividends

Informationen zu vergangenen Semestern

We thank the Wilhelm Müller Foundation for financial support of the University of Mannheim Finance Research Seminar Series.