Unsere Forschungsinteressen umfassen ein breites Themenspektrum in den Bereichen Supply Chain Management, Produktions- und Service Operations Management sowie Einkauf und Beschaffung. In diesen Bereichen arbeiten wir regelmäßig mit verschiedenen Unternehmen an praktischen Problemen zusammen. Methodisch setzen wir eine große Bandbreite an Techniken ein, von deskriptiven über prediktive bis hin zu präskriptiven Analytics.
Unsere Arbeiten werden regelmäßig in führenden internationalen akademischen Zeitschriften veröffentlicht, darunter Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Management Science, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, Academy of Management Journal, MIT Sloan Management Review, und andere.
OPM 910 CDSB Operations & Information Systems Seminar
Jedes Semester wird das CDSB Research Seminar durchgeführt und Wissenschaftler verschiedener Forschungseinrichtungen zu einem Gastvortrag eingeladen. Weitere Informationen und den aktuellen Zeitplan finden Sie hier.
- Artikel
- Forschungspapiere
- Konferenzveröffentlichungen
- Buchkapitel
- Präsentationen auf Konferenzen
- Dissertation
- Habilitation
- Burkhart, D. und Bode, C. (2024). On supplier resilience: How supplier performance, disruption frequency, and disruption duration are interrelated. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 30, 1–14.
- Krömer, M. M., Topchishvili, D. und Schön, C. (2024). Sustainable airline planning and scheduling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434, 1–20.
- Spreitzenbarth, J., Bode, C. und Stuckenschmidt, H. (2024). Artificial intelligence and machine learning in purchasing and supply management: A mixed-methods review of the state-of-the-art in literature and practice. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 30, 1–21.
- Wandelt, S., Blom, H., Krömer, M. M., Li, D., Mitici, M., Ryley, T., Stumpf, E., Wang, K., Yang, B., Zanin, M. und Sun, X. (2024). DESIGN and be SMART: Eleven engineering challenges to achieve sustainable air transportation under safety assurance in the year 2050. Journal of the Air Transport Research Society, 100045 (forthcoming).
- Grass, E., Ortmann, J., Balcik, B. und Rei, W. (2023). A machine learning approach to deal with ambiguity in the humanitarian decision-making. Production and Operations Management, 32, 2956-2974.
- Oberle, L. (2023). How to build responsive service processes in German banks: The role of process documentation and the myth of automation. Business Process Management Journal, 29, 578–596.
- Schwamberger, J., Fleischmann, M. und Strauss, A. (2023). Feeding the nation — Dynamic customer contacting for e-fulfillment in times of crisis. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 15, 22–40.
- Sonntag, D., Schrotenboer, A. H. und Kiesmüller, G. P. (2023). Stochastic inventory routing with time-based shipment consolidation. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR, 306, 1186-1201.
- Spreitzenbarth, J., Bode, C. und Stuckenschmidt, H. (2023). Designing an AI purchasing requisition bundling generator. Computers in Industry, 155, Article 104043, 1–14.
- Wang, R., Wang, Q. und Chiang, W. K. (2023). Optimal promotional mix and pricing when faced with uncertain product value. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR, 313, 637–651.
- Berling, P. und Sonntag, D. (2022). Inventory control in production-inventory systems with random yield and rework: The unit-tracking approach. Production and Operations Management, 31, 2628-2645.
- Bode, C., Schültken, R., Burkhart, D. und Vollmer, M. (2022). Unternehmerische Orientierung als Booster für die Nachhaltigkeitsperformance. Best in Procurement : BIP, 13, 46–48.
- Schlapp, J., Fleischmann, M. und Sonntag, D. (2022). Inventory timing: How to serve a stochastic season. Production and Operations Management, 31, 2891-2906.
- Stolletz, R. (2022). Optimization of time-dependent queueing systems. Queueing Systems, 100, 481–483.
- Bode, C., Schültken, R. und Peter, M. (2021). Was Hochschulabsolventen wirklich wollen. Best in Procurement : BIP, 12, 44–47.
- Burkhart, D. (2020). Mehr Sicherheit durch digitale Technologien. Best in Procurement : BIP, 11, 44–47.
- Fleischmann, M., Kloos, K., Nouri, M. und Pibernik, R. (2020). Single-period stochastic demand fulfillment in customer hierarchies. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR, 286, 250–266.
- Johansson, L., Sonntag, D., Marklund, J. und Kiesmüller, G. P. (2020). Controlling distribution inventory systems with shipment consolidation and compound Poisson demand. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR, 280, 90–101.
- König, E. (2020). A review on railway delay management. Public Transport, 12, 335–361.
- König, E. und Schön, C. (2020). Railway delay management with passenger rerouting considering train capacity constraints. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR, 288, 450–465.
- von Falkenhausen, C., Fleischmann, M. und Bode, C. (2019). How to find the right supply chain strategy? An analysis of contingency variables. Decision Sciences : DS, 50, 726–755.
- Hofmann, E., Röck, D. und Burkhart, D. (2019). Pharma Supply Chain erhält größere Transparenz durch Blockchain. CHEManager : Märkte, Unternehmen, Produkte, 28, 27–28.
- Huber, J., Müller, S., Fleischmann, M. und Stuckenschmidt, H. (2019). A data-driven newsvendor problem: From data to decision. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR, 278, 904–915.
- Mihm, J. und Schlapp, J. (2019). Sourcing innovation: On feedback in contests. Management Science, 65, 559–576.
- Ziegler, M. J., Seifried, K., Kuske, P. und Fleischmann, M. (2019). TRUMPF uses a mixed integer model as decision support for strategic production network design. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 49, 213–226.
- Guhlich, H., Fleischmann, M., Mönch, L. und Stolletz, R. (2018). A clearing function based bid-price approach to integrated order acceptance and release decisions. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR, 268, 243–254.
- Jaehn, F., Otto, A. und Seifried, K. (2018). Shunting operations at flat yards: Retrieving freight railcars from storage tracks. OR Spectrum, 40, 367–393.
- Klosterhalfen, S., Holzhauer, F. und Fleischmann, M. (2018). Control of a continuous production inventory system with production quantity restrictions. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR, 268, 569–581.
- Schlapp, J. und Fleischmann, M. (2018). Technical note – Multiproduct inventory management under customer substitution and capacity restrictions. Operations Research, 66, 740–747.
- Schön, C. und König, E. (2018). A stochastic dynamic programming approach for delay management of a single train line. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR, 271, 501–518.
- Schön, C. und Saini, P. (2018). Market-oriented service network design when demand is sensitive to congestion. Transportation Science, 52, 1035-1296.
- Sonntag, D. und Kiesmüller, G. P. (2018). Disposal versus rework – inventory control in a production system with random yield. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR, 267, 138–149.
- Zamorano, E., Münster, A. und Stolletz, R. (2018). Task assignment with start time-dependent processing times for personnel at check-in counters. Journal of Scheduling, 21, 93–109.
- Bode, C. und Macdonald, J. R. (2017). Stages of supply chain disruption response : direct, constraining, and mediating factors for impact mitigation. Decision Sciences : DS, 48, 836–874.
- Hahler, S. und Fleischmann, M. (2017). Strategic grading in the product acquisition process of a reverse supply chain. Production and Operations Management, 26, 1498-1511.
- Mohr, E. (2017). Optimal replenishment under price uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR, 258, 136–143.
- Mohr, E. und Dochow, R. (2017). Risk management strategies for finding universal portfolios. Annals of Operations Research, 256, 129–147.
- Sonntag, D. und Kiesmüller, G. P. (2017). The influence of quality inspections on the optimal safety stock level. Production and Operations Management, 26, 1284-1298.
- Tiemessen, H. G. H., Fleischmann, M. und van Houtum, G. (2017). Dynamic control in multi-item production/
inventory systems. OR Spectrum, 39, 165–191. - Zamorano, E. und Stolletz, R. (2017). Branch-and-price approaches for the multiperiod technician routing and scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR, 257, 55–68.
- Zaremba, B. W., Bode, C. und Wagner, S. M. (2017). New venture partnering capability : an empirical investigation into how buying firms effectively leverage the potential of innovative new ventures. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 53, 41–64.
- Bode, C. und Peter, M. (2016). Im Änderungsmanagement liegt der Gewinn. Beschaffung aktuell : BA, 63, 14–16.
- Busse, C., Kach, A. und Bode, C. (2016). Sustainability and the false sense of legitimacy : how institutional distance augments risk in global supply chains. Journal of Business Logistics : JBL, 37, 312–328.
- Busse, C., Mahlendorf, M. D. und Bode, C. (2016). The ABC for studying the too-much-of-a-good-thing effect: a competitive mediation framework linking antecedents, benefits, and cost. Organizational Research Methods : ORM, 19, 131–153.
- Göttlich, S., Kühn, S., Schwarz, J. A. und Stolletz, R. (2016). Approximations of time-dependent unreliable flow lines with finite buffers. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 83, 295–323.
- Lieder, A. und Stolletz, R. (2016). Scheduling aircraft take-offs and landings on interdependent and heterogeneous runways. Transportation Research. Part E, Logistics and Transportation Review, 88, 167–188.
- Schwarz, J. A., Selinka, G. und Stolletz, R. (2016). Performance analysis of time-dependent queueing systems: survey and classification. Omega : The International Journal of Management Science, 63, 170–189.
- Schön, C. und Strohm, F. (2016). Produktliniendesign – Modelle und Methoden zur Optimierung des Angebotsportfolios von Sachgüterherstellern und Dienstleistern. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium : WiSt, 45, 124–129.
- Selinka, G., Franz, A. und Stolletz, R. (2016). Time-dependent performance approximation of truck handling operations at an air cargo terminal. Computers & Operations Research, 65, 164–173.
- Sonntag, D. und Kiesmüller, G. P. (2016). The shape of the yield and its impact on inventory decisions. 4OR : Quarterly Journal of the Belgian, French and Italian Operations Research Societies, 14, 405–415.
- Sumo, R. A. F., der Valk, W., van Weele, A. und Bode, C. (2016). Fostering incremental and radical innovation through performance-based contracting in buyer-supplier relationships. International Journal of Operations & Production Management : IJOPM, 36, 1482-1503.
- Zaremba, B. W., Bode, C. und Wagner, S. M. (2016). Strategic and operational determinants of relationship outcomes with new venture suppliers. Journal of Business Logistics : JBL, 37, 152–167.
- Bode, C. (2015). Reaktives Risikomanagement : Mut zur Lücke. Best in Procurement : BIP, 6, 50–51.
- Bode, C. und Wagner, S. M. (2015). Structural drivers of upstream supply chain complexity and the frequency of supply chain disruptions. Journal of Operations Management, 36, 215–228.
- Grosse, E. H., Glock, C. H. und Müller, S. (2015). Production economics and the learning curve: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Production Economics, 170, 401–412.
- Guhlich, H., Fleischmann, M. und Stolletz, R. (2015). Revenue management approach to due date quoting and scheduling in an assemble-to-order production system. OR Spectrum, 37, 951–982.
- Lieder, A., Briskorn, D. und Stolletz, R. (2015). A dynamic programming approach for the aircraft landing problem with aircraft classes. European Journal of Operational Research : EJOR, 243, 61–69.
- Lieder, A., Moeke, D., Koole, G. und Stolletz, R. (2015). Task scheduling in long-term care facilities: A client-centered approach. Operations Research for Health Care, 6, 11–17.
- Schlapp, J., Oraiopoulos, N. und Mak, V. (2015). Resource allocation decisions under imperfect evaluation and organizational dynamics. Management Science, 61, 2139-2159.
- Schwarz, J. A., Stoll, J. und Özden, E. (2015). A general model for batch building processes under the timeout and capacity rules. Annals of Operations Research, 231, 5–31.
- Weiss, S. und Stolletz, R. (2015). Buffer allocation in stochastic flow lines via sample-based optimization with initial bounds. OR Spectrum, 37, 869–902.
- Fleischmann, M., Strauss, A. und Schoepf, V. (2024). Benefits of vendor-managed inventory for the reverse logistics operations of returnable transport items. Amsterdam.
- Waßmuth, K., Köhler, C., Agatz, N. und Fleischmann, M. (2022). Demand management for attended home delivery – A literature review. Rotterdam ; Mannheim: Erasmus Research Institute of Management.
- Beier, A., Fleischmann, M. und Stuckenschmidt, H. (2021). Towards supervised learning of optimal replenishment policies. Mannheim.
- Müller, S., Huber, J., Fleischmann, M. und Stuckenschmidt, H. (2020). Data-driven inventory management under customer substitution. Mannheim.
- von Falkenhausen, C., Fleischmann, M. und Bode, C. (2017). Performance outcomes responsiveness: When should supply chains be fast? SSRN Working Paper Series. Rochester, NY [u.a.].
- Huber, J., Müller, S., Fleischmann, M. und Stuckenschmidt, H. (2017). A data-driven newsvendor problem: From data to decision. SSRN Working Paper Series. Rochester, NY.
- Jaehn, F., Otto, A. und Seifried, K. (2016). Shunting operations at flat yards : retrieving freight railcars from storage tracks. Mannheim.
- Guhlich, H., Fleischmann, M., Mönch, L. und Stolletz, R. (2015). Revenue management in a multi-stage make-to-order production system. SSRN Working Paper Series. Mannheim.
- Hahler, S. und Fleischmann, M. (2015). Strategic grading in the product acquisition process of a reverse supply chain. Mannheim.
- Mihm, J. und Schlapp, J. (2015). Sourcing innovation: Public and private feedback in contests.
INSEAD Working Paper Series, 64/
TOM. Fontainebleau INSEAD.
- Burkhart, D. (2024). Managing risks and disruptions in buyer-supplier relationships. In , Supply management research : aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse 2024 (S. 3–6). , Springer Gabler: Wiesbaden.
- Burkhart, D., Bode, C. und Peters, K. (2023). Decoupling of global supply chains: Drivers, constraints, and alternatives. In , Supply management research : aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse 2023 (S. 151–168). , Springer Gabler: Wiesbaden.
- Oberle, L. J. und van der Aa, H. (2023). DDPS: A project methodology for data-driven process simulation. In , AMCIS 2023 Proceedings (S. 1767). , AISeL: Atlanta, GA ; Red Hook, NY.
- Spreitzenbarth, J., Bode, C. und Stuckenschmidt, H. (2023). Designing an AI-enabled bundling generator in an automotive case study. In , Proceedings of the 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (S. 4495-4504). , University of Hawaii at Manoa: Honolulu, HI.
- Spreitzenbarth, J. (2021). Supplier selection with AI-based TCO models: Cost prediction case study in an automotive OEM. In , 65th AACE international Conference & Expo 2021 (S. 1362-1384). , Curran Associates: Red Hook, NY.
- Schnitzler, J. und Stolletz, R. (2018). A branch and bound procedure for the stochastic assembly line balancing problem. In , Conference handbook #euro2018valencia (S. 352). , EURO: Valencia.
- Gruenen, J., Bode, C. und Höhle, H. (2017). Predictive procurement insights : B2B business network contribution to predictiveiInsights in the procurement process following a design science research approach. In , Designing the Digital Transformation : 12th International Conference, DESRIST 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 30 – June 1, 2017, Proceedings (S. 267–281). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer: Berlin [u.a.].
- Agatz, N. und Fleischmann, M. (2024). Demand management for sustainable supply chain operations. In Sustainable supply chains. Volume 1 (S. 241–259). Cham: Springer.
- Bode, C., Burkhart, D., Schültken, R. und Vollmer, M. (2023). Future of procurement. In Global logistics and supply chain strategies for the 2020s : vital skills for the next generation (S. 261–276). Cham: Springer.
- Spreitzenbarth, J., Stuckenschmidt, H. und Bode, C. (2022). The state of artificial intelligence: Procurement versus sales and marketing. In Supply management research: Aktuelle Forschungsergebniss 2022 (S. 173–193). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Vollmer, M., Bode, C. und Burkhart, D. (2021). Die Einkaufsfunktion 2030: Wie Trends und disruptive Technologien die Zukunft des Einkaufs verändern. In Einkauf und Supply Chain Management (S. 37–58). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Schön, C. (2017). Perspectives on pricing services : state-of-the-art and challenges. In Handbuch Dienstleistungsmanagement (S. 687–714). München: Vahlen.
- Westerburg, M. und Bode, C. (2017). An exploratory analysis of supply chain risk disclosure in annual reports. In Supply management research : aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse 2016 (S. 137–159). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Sadeghi, N., Khayyati, S. und Schön, C. (2024). Integrating predictive and prescriptive analytics for assortment optimization – a machine learning-based approach. EURO 2024, 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Schültken, R., Bode, C. und Macdonald, J. (2024). From the setting of sustainability requirements for suppliers to their violation. 34th Annual POMS-Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
- Schültken, R., Macdonald, J. R. und Bode, C. (2024). Between the devil and the deep blue sea: Social and environmental sustainability expectancies for suppliers and their violation. EurOMA 2024, Barcelona, Spain.
- Schültken, R., Macdonald, J. R. und Bode, C. (2024). Buying between a rock and a hard place: Expectancies of social and environmental sustainability. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2024, Chicago, IL.
- Burkhart, D., Bode, C. und Kappel, A. (2023). Exploring the effects of function-level satisfaction and interaction on supplier performance. IPSERA 2023: 32nd Conference of the International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association, Barcelona, Spain.
- Grass, E. und Stolletz, R. (2023). The resilient newsvendor: Hospital surge capacity planning. OR 2023, Hamburg, Germany.
- Khayyati, S., Foroughi, A. und Stolletz, R. (2023). A hybrid approximation method for time-dependent queues in service systems. 21st INFORMS APS 2023, Nancy, France.
- Sadeghi, N., Vetter, O. und Schön, C. (2023). Product line design vs. assortment optimization under the mixed multinomial logit model. OR 2023, Hamburg, Germany.
- Schwarz, J. A., Diefenbach, J., Karaesmen, F. und Stolletz, R. (2023). A production planning model for non-stationary and stochastic yield in the semiconductor industry. 21st INFORMS APS 2023, Nancy, France.
- Schön, C. und Krömer, M. M. (2023). A linear mixed-integer programming approach based on an event-activity network for personalized airline crew scheduling. AGIFORS Crew Management Study Group Meeting, Santiago, Chile.
- Schültken, R., Bode, C. und Macdonald, J. R. (2023). Which path to take? Focus on social, environmental, or both sustainability dimensions. 33rd Annual POMS-Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Schültken, R., Bode, C. und Schlipf, M. (2023). Lack of intentions or actions? Analysis of the sustainability-related intention action gap. 33rd Annual POMS-Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Schültken, R., Bode, C. und Schlipf, M. (2023). Words without deeds and deeds without words: An initial empirical analysis of the intention action gap in corporate sustainability. IPSERA 2023: 32nd Conference of the International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association, Barcelona, Spain.
- Stolletz, R., Özümerzifon, . und Legros, B. (2023). Analysis of time-dependent queues with generally distributed retrial times. IWOR 2023, 15-th International Workshop on Operation Research: Models and methods for information management and decision making, Habana, Cuba.
- Stolletz, R., Özümerzifon, . und Legros, B. (2023). Analysis of time-dependent queues with generally distributed retrials. ICIAM 2023, Tokyo, Japan.
- Vetter, O., Sadeghi, N. und Schön, C. (2023). Capacitated assortment optimization under the mixed multinomial logit model. INFORMS 2023, Manufactoring and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Conference 2023, Montreal, Canada.
- Vetter, O., Sadeghi, N. und Schön, C. (2023). Capacitated assortment optimization under the mixed multinomial logit model. 5th Meeting of AG MARKETING der Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V. (GfKl), Online.
- Vetter, O., Sadeghi, N. und Schön, C. (2023). Product line design vs. assortment optimization under customer heterogeneity. POMS 2023, International Conference of the Production and Operatins Management Society (POMS), Paris, France.
- Özümerzifon, ., Legros, B. und Stolletz, R. (2023). Analysis of time-dependent queues with retrials: Impact of retrial distribution. 21st INFORMS APS 2023, Nancy, France.
- Burkhart, D. und Bode, C. (2022). Communicating disruptions: An exploratory study of suppliers declaring force majeure. 32nd Annual POMS-Conference, Online.
- Burkhart, D. und Bode, C. (2022). Houston we (will) have a problem: Supplier performance, disruption frequency, and length. 32nd Annual POMS-Conference, Online.
- Burkhart, D. und Bode, C. (2022). Transparency in buyer-supplier relationships: The what and when of sensitive information exchanges. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, WA.
- Furmans, K. und Stolletz, R. (2022). Cut-off service level – some insights. SMMSO 2022, XIIIth Conference on Stochastic Models of Manufacturing and Service Operations, Grenoble, France.
- Grass, E., Ortmann, J., Balcik, B. und Rei, W. (2022). A novel framework to deal with ambiguity in the humanitarian decision making. OR 2022, Annual Conference of the Operations Research Society of Germany, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Khayyati, S., Zenouzzadeh, S. M. und Stolletz, R. (2022). A machine learning approach to the performance evaluation of time-dependent queues. SMMSO 2022, XIIIth Conference on Stochastic Models of Manufacturing and Service Operations, Grenoble, France.
- Loeffel, C., Fleischmann, M., Klosterhalfen, S. und Hausen, T. (2022). Decision support for S&OP coordination under asymmetric decision-making power: A case study from the agrochemical industry. OR 2022, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR), Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Oberle, L. (2022). An investigation into the impact factors of process responsiveness in German banks. 29th EurOMA 2022, Berlin.
- Oberle, L. J. und Schön, C. (2022). Customization-responsiveness trade-offs in services. INFORMS Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Conference 2022, München, Germany.
- Sahraei, P. und Fleischmann, M. (2022). Tactical production planning for uncertain seasonal demand. OR 2022, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR), Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Schwamberger, J., Fleischmann, M. und Strauss, A. (2022). Estimation of a consider-then-choose customer choice model for tractable assortment optimization. Euro 2022, Espoo, Finland.
- Schwamberger, J., Fleischmann, M. und Strauss, A. (2022). Estimation of a consider-then-choose customer choice model for tractable assortment optimization. OR 2022, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR), Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Schwarz, J. A., Diefenbach, J., Karaesmen, F. und Stolletz, R. (2022). A newsvendor approach to production planning with stochastic and non-stationary yield. SMMSO 2022, XIIIth Conference on Stochastic Models of Manufacturing and Service Operations, Grenoble, France.
- Schültken, R., Bode, C. und Schlipf, M. (2022). Mind the Gap: An Initial Empirical Analysis of the Intention-Action Gap in Corporate Sustainability. Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) Academic Research Symposium, Nashville, TN.
- Schültken, R. und Kokozinski, S. (2022). Dealing with uncertainty and adaptivity: Agile procurement process for agile new product development. AOM 2022, 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, WA, Hybrid.
- Schültken, R., Kokozinski, S. und Bode, C. (2022). Dealing with uncertainty and adaptivity: Design of an agile procurement process for new product development. 32nd Annual POMS-Conference, Online.
- Spreitzenbarth, J. (2022). How many buyers does it take to build a car? 32nd Annual POMS-Conference, Online.
- Spreitzenbarth, J., Bode, C. und Stuckenschmidt, H. (2022). The state of artificial intelligence: Procurement versus sales and marketing. 6th World Conference on Production and Operations Management (P&OM) 2022 (2020), Osaka, Japan.
- Spreitzenbarth, J., Stuckenschmidt, H. und Bode, C. (2022). Artificial intelligence/
machine learning in supply management: Review, application, future research. AOM 2022, 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, WA, Hybrid. - Spreitzenbarth, J., Stuckenschmidt, H. und Bode, C. (2022). Bundling with artificial intelligence methods in purchasing and business-to-business marketing. 53rd Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Houston, TX.
- Stolletz, R., Zenouzzadeh, S. M. und Khayyati, S. (2022). Analysis of time-dependent queues using machine learning. EURO 2022, Espoo, Finland.
- Topchishvili, D. und Schön, C. (2022). Sustainable product design when durability matters – with applications to the case of electric toothbrushes. 2022 Early-Career Sustainable OM Workshop, Philadelphia, PA.
- Waßmuth, K., Agatz, N. und Fleischmann, M. (2022). A model-based approach to strategic demand management for attended home delivery. Euro 2022, Espoo, Finland.
- Waßmuth, K., Agatz, N. und Fleischmann, M. (2022). A model-based approach to strategic demand management for attended home delivery. OR 2022, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR), Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Zenouzzadeh, S. M. und Stolletz, R. (2022). Shift scheduling in interdependent multi-stage systems with reallocation on workforce. EURO 2022, Espoo, Finland.
- Zenouzzadeh, S. M. und Stolletz, R. (2022). Shift scheduling in interdependent multi-stage systems with reallocation on workforce. PATAT 2022, Leuven, Belgium.
- Çakan, M., Fleischmann, M. und Sonntag, D. (2022). Allocation of recycling credits to final products in plastics production. OR 2022, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR), Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Bode, C., Kokozinski, S., Ohmstedt, J. S. und Ronellenfitsch, J. (2021). Sourcing code: software types, sourcing capabilities, and organizational archetypes. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2021, Online.
- Spreitzenbarth, J. (2021). Artificial intelligence in procurement: From a case study of total cost of ownership, to a literature review and a digital twin model. PRO.MOTION 2021 Volkswagen Ph.D. Day, Online.
- Spreitzenbarth, J. (2021). Artificial intelligence in procurement: From a case study of total cost of ownership, to a literature review and a digital twin model. Porsche Ph.D Day 2021, Online.
- Spreitzenbarth, J. (2021). KI 2021 DC: AI Methods in Procurement. KI 2021, 44th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Early Career Research Consortium, Berlin, Germany, Online.
- Spreitzenbarth, J. (2021). Methods of artificial intelligence in procurement: A conceptual literature review. IPSERA Doctoral Workshop 2021, Online.
- Topchishvili, D. und Schön, C. (2021). Sustainable product design when durability matters – with applications to the case of electric toothbrushes. 31st European Conference on Operational Research, University of West Attica, Athen.
- Topchishvili, D. und Schön, C. (2021). Sustainable product design when durability matters – with applications to the case of electric toothbrushes. International Conference on Operations Research, OR 2021, Online.
- Spreitzenbarth, J. und Stuckenschmidt, H. (2020). Solving the supplier selection problem with a data-driven total cost of ownership approach: Research proposal. IPSERA Doctoral Workshop 2020 (conference cancelled), Knoxville, TN, Canceled.
- Diefenbach, J. und Stolletz, R. (2019). Data-driven line balancing: bounds and optimization. YEQT XIII, Young European Queueing Theorists: Data-Driven Analytics and Optimization for Stochastic Systems, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
- Hohberger, S. und Schön, C. (2019). Railway network dynamic pricing under discrete mixed logit demand. INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Conference, Stanford, CA.
- Johansson, L., Sonntag, D., Marklund, J. und Kiesmüller, G. P. (2019). Controlling distribution inventory systems with shipment consolidation and compound Poisson demand. EURO 2019 : 30th European Conference on Operational Research, Dublin, Ireland.
- Johansson, L., Sonntag, D., Marklund, J. und Kiesmüller, G. P. (2019). Controlling distribution inventory systems with shipment consolidation and compound Poisson demand. 2019 POMS 30th Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
- Johansson, L., Sonntag, D., Marklund, J. und Kiesmüller, G. P. (2019). Controlling distribution inventory systems with shipment consolidation and compound Poisson demand. 29. Workshop der quantitativen Betriebswirtschaftslehre, QBWL, Beilngries, Germany.
- Krömer, M. M. und Schön, C. (2019). Integrated crew scheduling in passenger transport industries under consideration of employee preferences. Operations Research 2019, Dresden, Germany.
- Schnitzler, J., Schwarz, J. A. und Stolletz, R. (2019). Impact of stochastic yield with learning on start of production. SMMSO 2019, XIIth Conference on Stochastic Models of Manufacturing and Service Operations, Goslar, Germany.
- Schwarz, J. (2019). Optimal rollover strategies for stochastic demand and production. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
- Schwarz, J. (2019). Optimizing sales and production rollover strategies under stochastic demand and random yield. POMS 30th Annual Conference 2019, Washington D.C..
- Schwarz, J. A., Kiesmüller, G. P. und Stolletz, R. (2019). Optimal repair decisions in capacitated repair shops for flow lines. SMMSO 2019, XIIth Conference on Stochastic Models of Manufacturing and Service Operations, Goslar, Germany.
- Seifried, K. (2019). TSP with one truck and one or multiple drones. Seventh Annual Workshop of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, Sevilla, Spain.
- Seifried, K. (2019). The TSP with one truck and multiple drones. 3rd Last-Mile Delivery Workshop, Magdeburg, Germany.
- Sonntag, D., Schrotenboer, A. H. und Kiesmüller, G. P. (2019). Retailer grouping in a one warehouse multiple retailer system with time based shipment consolidation. Operations Research 2019, Dresden, Germany.
- Stolletz, R. (2019). Dynamic decisions on processing rates in Make-to-Order production systems. POMS 30th Annual Conference 2019, Washington D.C..
- Vogel, J. und Stolletz, R. (2019). Capacity decisions in MTO production systems with time-dependent demand. EURO2019 – 30th European Conference of Operational Research, Dublin, Ireland.
- Vogel, J. und Stolletz, R. (2019). Capacity decisions in stochastic production systems with time-dependent demand. SMMSO 2019, XIIth Conference on Stochastic Models of Manufacturing and Service Operations, Goslar, Germany.
- Hohberger, S. und Schön, C. (2018). Large-scale dynamic network pricing under customer choice behavior for railway companies. OR2018 – International Conference on Operations Research, Brussels, Belgium.
- König, E. und Schön, C. (2018). Railway delay management with passenger rerouting in face of train capacity constraints. EURO2018 – 29th European Conference of Operational Research, Valencia, Spain.
- Saini, P., Jayaswal, S. und Vidyarthi, N. (2018). Lagrangian heuristics for the location-allocation problem with stochastic demand and congestion. European Conference on Operational Research, Valencia, Spain.
- Schwarz, J. (2018). Analyzing the impact of finite capacity on sales and operations planning for product rollovers. EURO2018 – 29th European Conference of Operational Research, Valencia, Spain.
- Schwarz, J. (2018). Sales and operations planning for product rollovers : structural insights. QBWL – 28. Workshop der Quantitativen Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Höchst, Germany.
- Schwarz, J. (2018). Sales and operations planning for product rollovers with finite production capacities. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) 2018 Conference, Dallas, TX.
- Schwarz, J. A. und Stolletz, R. (2018). Structural properties of time-dependent flow production systems. StochMod 2018: 7th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Stochastic Modelling, Lancaster, UK.
- Schwarz, J. A. und Tan, B. (2018). Sales and operations planning for product rollovers under limited capacity. 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
- Schön, C. und Hohberger, S. (2018). Continuous pricing in a capacitated network under mixed multinomial logit demand. 2018 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Conference, Toronto, ONT.
- Sonntag, D. und Kiesmüller, G. P. (2018). Disposal versus rework – inventory control in a production system with random yield. 20th International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Hungary.
- Sonntag, D. und Kiesmüller, G. P. (2018). Inventory management in multi-stage production systems with random yield and positive production times. OR 2018: International Conference on Operations Research, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Sonntag, D. und Kiesmüller, G. P. (2018). The influence of quality inspections on the optimal safety stock level. POMS 29th Annual Conference 2018, Houston, TX.
- Stolletz, R. (2018). A branch and bound procedure for chance constrained stochastic assembly line balancing. 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
- Strohm, F. und Schön, C. (2018). Bundling and scheduling service encounters when sequence matters. OR2018 – International Conference on Operations Research, Brussels, Belgium.
- Vogel, J. und Stolletz, R. (2018). Does the future matter? Optimization of time-dependent service systems. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) 2018 Conference, Dallas, TX.
- Vogel, J. und Stolletz, R. (2018). Does the future matter? Optimization of time-dependent service systems. StochMod 2018: 7th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Stochastic Modelling, Lancaster, UK.
- König, E. und Schön, C. (2017). Railway delay management in face of train capacity constraints. OR2017 – International Conference on Operations Research, Berlin, Germany.
- Saini, P., Schön, C. und Strohm, F. (2017). Service Network Design: Competing on Convenient Locations and Responsive Service Processes. OR2017 – International Conference on Operations Research, Berlin, Germany.
- Schwarz, J. A. und Stolletz, R. (2017). Minimizing work-in-process inventory in dynamic Kanban systems. OR2017 – International Conference on Operations Research, Berlin, Germany.
- Seifried, K., Agatz, N. und Fleischmann, M. (2017). Attended-home delivery from multiple depots. QBWL 2017, List, Sylt, Germany.
- Seifried, K., Agatz, N. und Fleischmann, M. (2017). Attended-home delivery from multiple depots. EURO Working Group Retail Operations, Porto, Portugal.
- Seifried, K., Agatz, N. und Fleischmann, M. (2017). The Benefits of Flexible Fulfillment Center Assignments in Attended Home Delivery. Last-Mile Delivery Workshop, Mannheim, Germany.
- Seifried, K., Agatz, N. und Fleischmann, M. (2017). The benefits of flexible fulfillment center assignments in attended home delivery. VeRoLog, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Bode, C. und Merath, M. (2016). A simulation-based analysis of supply disruption response strategies: Ready-aim-fire or ready-fire-aim? Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) Annual Meeting 2016, Austin, TX.
- König, E. und Schön, C. (2016). A stochastic dynamic programming approach for delay management of a single train line. OR2016 – International Conference on Operations Research, Hamburg, Germany.
- Saini, P. und Schön, C. (2016). Competitive service network design when demand is sensitive to congestion. OR2016 – International Conference on Operations Research, Hamburg, Germany.
- Seifried, K. und Fleischmann, M. (2016). Trends and challenges in E-grocery. QBWL 2016, Meinerzhagen, Germany.
- Seifried, K., Jaehn, F. und Otto, A. (2016). Shunting operations at flat yards : Retrieving freight railcars from storage tracks. European Conference on Operational Research (EURO) 2016, Posen, Germany.
- Strohm, F. und Schön, C. (2016). Optimal service design at the interface of marketing and operations : what benefits to provide to customers and how to create them? OR2016 – International Conference on Operations Research, Hamburg, Germany.
- Westerburg, M. und Bode, C. (2016). An empirical analysis of supply risks and related mitigation strategies. Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Annual Conference 2016, Orlando, FL.
- Bode, C. und Macdonald, J. R. (2015). An empirical investigation into the drivers of supply chain disruptions. Production and Operations Management Society 2015, Washington, DC.
- Hübner, D., Bode, C. und Wagner, S. M. (2015). Friend or foe: How buyer-supplier relationships respond to transgressions. Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Annual Conference 2015, Washington, DC.
- König, E. (2015). The Railway Delay Management Problem – An Overview. OR 2015 Optimal Decisions and Big Data, Wien, Austria.
- Mohr, E. (2015). Competitive Analysis of the Storage Management Problem. 27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, Great Britain.
- Mohr, E. (2015). Distribution-free Inventory Control for Perishable Products. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Conference 2015, Toronto, Ont..
- Mohr, E. (2015). On the performance of the risk-adjusted on-line portfolio selection algorithm. APMOD 2014 – International Conference on Applied Mathematical Optimization and Modelling, Warwick, Great Britain.
- Mohr, E. (2015). Online Algorithms for the Newsvendor Problem. ECCO XXVIII – 28th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, Catania, Italy.
- Strohm, F. (2015). Towards an Integrated Approach to Service Process Design. OR 2015 Optimal Decisions and Big Data, Wien, Austria.
- Wagner, S. M., Bode, C. und Peter, M. (2015). Responding to suppliers suffering financial distress. Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) Annual Meeting 2015, Seattle, WA.
- Schültken, R. (2024). Intra- and inter-organizational misalignment problems in supply management. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Spreitzenbarth, J. (2024). Value of artificial intelligence in purchasing and supply management. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Burkhart, D. (2023). Risk and disruption management in buyer-supplier relationships. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Foroughi, A. (2023). Three essays on algorithmic approaches for operations management. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Oberle, L. (2023). Predictive and prescriptive analytics for service process design. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Ohmstedt, J. (2023). Between performance and normative demands: decision-making, purchasing strategy, and purchasing capabilities. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Saini, P. (2023). Three essays on service network design: problem with stochastic demand and congestion. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Schwamberger, J. (2023). Demand management for e-groceries. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Topchishvili, D. (2023). On the sustainable product and service design under customer choice behavior. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Bai, J. (2022). Three essays on optimization of the intensive care unit (ICU) management decisions. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Biscaro, L. (2022). On inventory management for products with a stochastic selling season. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Diefenbach, J. (2022). Design and control of stochastic manufacturing systems. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Nikpayam, H. (2022). Three essays on new product development: creating value from internal and external innovation. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Nouri Roozbahani, M. (2022). Demand fulfillment in customer hierarchies with stochastic demand. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Ronellenfitsch, J. (2022). Impact of digitalization on procurement strategies and processes. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Gehrlein, S. (2021). Effects of personal characteristics on performance outcomes in supply chain management. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Grünen, J. (2021). Digitalization technologies and business trends in procurement. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Kinski, A. (2021). Buyer-supplier relationships between established firms and startups from a procurement perspective. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Hohberger, S. (2020). Dynamic pricing under customer choice behavior for revenue management in passenger railway networks. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Müller, S. (2020). Data-driven inventory optimization. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- König, E. (2019). Three essays on delay management for passenger rail services. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Merath, M. (2019). Decision making in supply risk and supply disruption management. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Vogel, J. (2019). Capacity planning in stochastic and time-dependent operations systems. Dissertation, BoD. Norderstedt.
- Westerburg, M. (2019). Performance implications of supply chain risk and risk management. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Münster, A. (2018). Three essays on optimization models in manufacturing and service industries. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Schumacher, G. (2018). Three essays on optimal acquisition and use of product value information. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Falkenhausen, C. (2017). Three essays on aligning supply chain strategies with the business environment. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Selinka, G. (2017). Three essays on the performance evaluation of queueing systems with time-dependent parameters. Dissertation, Books on Demand. Norderstedt.
- Guhlich, H. (2016). Bid price-based revenue management approaches in manufacturing industries. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Lieder, A. (2016). Three essays on operations scheduling with job classes and time windows. Dissertation, Books on Demand. Norderstedt.
- Weiss, S. (2016). Optimization of buffer allocations in stochastic flow lines. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Zamorano de Acha, E. (2016). Three essays on workforce scheduling. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Schwarz, J. (2015). Analysis of buffer allocations in time-dependent and stochastic flow lines. Dissertation. Mannheim.
- Zuber, C. (2015). Coordination in closed-loop supply chains. Dissertation. Mannheim.
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