„Lok 4.0 – Design digital learning cooperation“ is a collaborative project carried out by the Chair of Learning, Design and Technology at the University of Mannheim, together with Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) and the employers federation Südwestmetall.
Due to digitization and Industry 4.0, the requirements to competencies of skilled workers are changing. Therefore, the way vocational training is done has to change as well. Digitization creates new opportunities for collaborative learning, e.g. with the learning factories 4.0. Such learning environments have been installed at numerous vocational schools in Baden-Württemberg. The goal of LoK 4.0 is to develop didactic concepts in order to make appropriate use of the teaching and learning potential of the learning factories. Through modern training methods, this project aims to help make digitization successful. After completion of the project the developed learning modules will be made available to cooperating companies and their dual partners.