MLA – Mobile Learning Analytics


„Mobile Learning Analytics“ is a project of the Cooperative State University Mannheim (DHBW Mannheim) in cooperation with the University of Mannheim (Universität Mannheim). The research focus is in the fields of Learning Analytics in combination with Mobile Learning. The project is part of the initiative „Digital Innovations for Smart Teaching – Better Learning“ of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The project duration reaches from December 2016 until the end of November 2018.

App and Dashboard

As a part of the project two tools have been developed: a web-application for students and a dashboard for lecturers. Both applications are called MyLA, which is the brand name (MyLA App, MyLA Dashboard). MyLA stands for My Learning Analytics. Via MyLA App students can e.g. send pinboard entries to their lecturer. Those entries can be marked as question or problem for example. Furthermore, students can evaluate their own learning using MyTracker. This function enables the tracking of several variables like e.g. the learning motivation. Via MyLA Dashboard lecturers can among other things manage the pinboard entries or publish surveys for a certain lecture. Further interesting links and information are avaiable on our OnePager (

Objectives and Chances

  • Further research on Mobile Learning and Learning Analytics in Germany
  • Optimizing learning and teaching processes
  • Expanding possibilities in dual-system studying
  • Implementing mobile offers
  • Improving communication between students and lecturers
  • Feedback function for lecture adoptions, if necessary
  • Tracking function of the learning performance of students

App Screencast

Click-Around through the MyLA-App (German Version)

Speaker: M. Kuhnel

App State: 12/2017


Contact at the University of Mannheim:

Dirk Ifenthaler

Matthias Kuhnel


Seiler, L., Kuhnel, M., Honal, A., & Ifenthaler, D. (2018). Mobile Learning Analytics: Potenziale für Lernen und Lehren im Hochschulkontext. In C. Gloerfeld & C. de Witt (Eds.), Handbuch Mobile Learning (pp. 585–608). Heidelberg: Springer.

Kuhnel, M., Seiler, L., Honal, A., & Ifenthaler, D. (in press). Mobile learning analytics in higher education: Usability testing and evaluation of an app prototype. Interactive Technology and Smart Education.