
Finance Seminar Franz Hinzen
Franz Hinzen from Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College will be giving a presentation on Monday, February 10.
Finance Seminar Tobin Hanspal
Tobin Hanspal from WU Vienna reveals how educating investors about the free dividends fallacy boosts dividend reinvestment.
Finance Seminar Pedro Saffi
Pedro Saffi from University of Cambridge presents research on the retail market for structured financial products using Brazilian data.
Finance Seminar Maxime Bonelli
Maxime Bonelli from London Business School shows that low-performing funds often shift to niche positioning by tweaking their fund prospectuses.
Finance Seminar Melissa Prado
Melissa Prado from Nova School of Business and Economics shows a positive link between SRI owner­ship and local environmental health—but only in OECD countries.
Finance Seminar Jessica Jeffers
Jessica Jeffers shows how common leader­ship—shared executives or directors—can drive collusion.
Fiannce Seminar Julien Sauvagnat
Julien Sauvagnat links corp. taxation to carbon emissions and shows that dirty firms pay lower profit taxes.
Finance Seminar Marius Guenzel
Marius Guenzel demonstrates that the Photo Big 5 personality traits can predict labor market outcomes for MBA graduates.
Finance Seminar Gianpaolo Parise
Gianpaolo Parise presented his research showing how mutual funds time ESG stock trades.
Finance Seminar Richard Evans
Richard Evans from University of Virginia will be giving a presentation on Monday, September 30.