
Paper accepted by Journal of Financial Economics
The paper „The Impact of Firm Prestige on Executive Compensation“ by Florens Focke, Ernst Maug, and Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Financial Economics.
Virtual Fair for the Mannheim Master in Management
The University of Mannheim, Business School offers a Virtual Fair for students interested in the Master in Management program on March 17. Due to the international focus of the Business School, the entire fair will be conducted in English. Participation is free of charge.
Paper accepted by Journal of Financial Economics
The paper „Market Maturity and Mispricing“ by Heiko Jacobs has been accepted and is now forthcoming in the Journal of Financial Economics.
New York Times covers research by Ruenzi
On November 24, 2015, The New York Times published an article covering the paper „Status Quo Bias and the Number of Alternatives: An Empirical Illustration from the Mutual Fund Industry” by Ruenzi on its webpage. The press article can be found here.
Paper accepted by Review of Financial Studies
The paper „Commonality in Liquidity: A Demand-Side Explanation“ by Stefan Ruenzi (joint with Andy Koch and Laura Starks) has been accepted and is now forthcoming in the Review of Financial Studies.
Papers by Focke, Niessen-Ruenzi, and Ruenzi and by Loos at AEA Meetings
The papers „A Friendly Turn: Advertising Bias in the News Media“ (Focke, Niessen-Ruenzi, and Ruenzi) and „Fee-only Advice – Answers from a Large Field Study“ (Benjamin Loos and co-authors) have both been accepted for a poster presentation at the American Economic Association Annual Meeting 2016 in ...
Papers by Ruenzi at AFA Meetings
The paper „Financial Advice and Bank Profits“ by Daniel Hoechle, Stefan Ruenzi, Nic Schaub, and Markus Schmid has been accepted for presentation at the American Finance Association Annual Meeting 2016 in San Francisco. You can find the preliminary conference program here.
Wall Street Journal reports on financial advice paper by Ruenzi
On July 24, 2015, The Wall Street Journal published an article discussing the paper „The Impact of Financial Advice on Trade Performance and Behavioral Biases” by Daniel Hoechle, Stefan Ruenzi, Nic Schaub, and Markus Schmid on its webpage. The press article can be found here.
Paper by M. Huggenberger, P. Albrecht and A. Pekelis will be presented at WRIEC
The paper „Tail Risk Hedging and Regime Switching“ by Markus Huggenberger, Peter Albrecht and Alexandr Pekelis will be presented at the 3rd World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress (WRIEC) in Munich. You can find the full conference agenda here. The paper was also presented at this year’s annual ...
Paper by Jacobs, Hillert and Müller at EFA Conference
The paper “Journalist Disagreement” by Heiko Jacobs, Alexander Hillert and Sebastian Müller will be presented at this year’s annual meeting of the European Finance Association in Vienna.