Dr. Dr. Ruibing Wang

Dr. Dr. Ruibing Wang

Postdoctoral Researcher, Lehr­stuhl für Service Operations Management
Universität Mannheim
Schloss Schneckenhof Ost (SO)
68161 Mannheim
nach Vereinbarung
  • Lehr­verantwortlichkeiten

    • OPM 582 Case Studies in Operations Management
    • Bachelor Thesis, Seminar Thesis und Master Thesis
  • Forschung

    • Economics of mobile platforms: Advertising, Content building, Coordination
    • Marketing strategy: New product preannouncement, Product line design
    • Consumer behavior: Consumer uncertainty, Anticipated regret, Consumer referral
  • Veröffentlichungen

    • Wang, R., Wang, Q., and Chiang, W. K. (2024) Optimal promotional mix and pricing when faced with uncertain product value. European Journal of Operational Research, 313(2), 637–651.
    • Zheng, R., Wang, R., and Yang, C. (2020). How consumer valuation heterogeneity impacts firms' profit: Peer influence makes a difference. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 149, 106846.
    • Ji, Y., Wang, R., and Gou, Q. (2019). Monetization on mobile platforms: Balancing in‐app advertising and user base growth. Production and Operations Management, 28(9), 2202-2220.
    • Wang, R., Gou, Q., Choi, T.-M., and Liang, L. (2016). Advertising strategies for mobile platforms with „Apps“. IEEE Trans­actions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 48(5), 767–778.
  • Konferenzvorträge

    • Wang, R., Chiang, W. K. (2019). To preannounce or not? A competitive analysis of new-generation product introduction strategy. The Tenth POMS-HK International Conference, Hong Kong, China.
    • Ji, Y., Wang, R., Gou, Q. (2016). Dynamics and efficiency of a mobile platform. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, USA.
    • Chiang, W. K., Wang, R. (2016). Optimal promotional mix and pricing strategy with risk averse buyers. INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Shanghai, China.
  • Auszeichnungen

    • Bridge funding for female researchers of all qualification phases, University of Mannheim, 2022
    • Dean of Chinese Academy of Sciences Award, University of Science and Technology of China, 2019
    • National Scholar­ship for Doctoral Students, University of Science and Technology of China, 2018
  • Berufserfahrung

    05/2021-Present Postdoctoral Researcher, Chair of Service Operations Management (Prof. Dr. Schön), Business School, University of Mannheim
    2016–2019 Research Assistant, College of Business, City University of Hong Kong
  • Ausbildung

    2015–2021 Ph.D. (Joint Ph.D. Program) Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
    2013–2019 Ph.D. Management Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
    2008–2012 B.Sc. Business Administration, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China