

Trans­atlantic Climate Conversation on „Climate Change and Business: Sustainable Alliances and Sustainable Operations“
Ben Gomes-Casseres (Brandeis) and Christoph Bode (U Mannheim) will discuss Sustainable Alliances and Sustainable Operations.
New Article on Demand Management for Last-Mile Delivery
Our team member Katrin Wassmuth, together with her co-authors Charlotte Köhler, Niels Agatz, and Moritz Fleischmann published a literature review on demand management for last-mile delivery services. The paper discusses demand management issues in online retailing, especially the offering of ...
In Memory of Dr. Josef Packowski
We are saddened by the sudden passing away of Dr. Josef Packowski, founder of Camelot Management Consultants, who had been an external lecturer at our chair for many years. We extend our sincere condolences to Dr. Packowski's family and to the entire Camelot team. For more information on Dr. ...
Seminar Thesis in FSS 2023
Seminar topics are available for the FSS 2023 . You can apply via email until all spaces are filled.
Joint the Porsche case challenge – with OPM 692
Hot topics, hot competition, and hot sports cars – sounds interesting? Then, come to our OPM 692 kickoff session.
B.Sc. elective „Processes and Strategies of Negotiation“ in Spring 2023: Still a few open places
Our negotiation block-course for B.Sc. students will take place in February and March 2023
Welcome Prof. Dr. Martin Glanzer!
Martin Glanzer joins as Assistant Professor of Operations Management
Die Hände einer Frau tippen auf einer Tastatur.
New Book Chapter on Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Professors Niels Agatz (RSM) and Moritz Fleischmann (U Mannheim) have completed a new book chapter on „Demand Management for Sustainable Supply Chain Operations“. A draft version of the manuscript is available on SSRN (see here).
Publication in the Business Process Management Journal (LS Schön)
„How to build responsive service processes in German banks: the role of process documentation and the myth of automation“
Spring 2023 – Planning of the Endowed Chair of Procurement
The Spring semester 2023 is just around the corner! Please see the key information from the Endowed Chair of Procurement...