Course over for fall 2024

The course is over for fall semester 2024. For information regarding the offer in spring 2025 please see the module catalog and Portal2.

FIN 687 – Python in Finance

This course teaches students the basics of Python necessary for quantitative seminar and master theses in finance. It covers programming fundamentals, data handling, visualization, and analysis. Additionally, it explores accessing and working with data commonly used in finance research, and additionally accessing APIs, machine learning, and managing large datasets. The course wraps up with a take-home exam applying these skills to solve a financial research question. Practical applications take priority over theoretical programming concepts, and examples are primarily drawn from finance literature.

Learning Outcomes

  • Work independently on quantitative finance topics using Python
  • Gain expertise in data acquisition, trans­formation, visualization, and analysis
  • Learn regressions and advanced techniques for finance applications


To participate in this course, you have to register for the course on Portal2.

Please note that the capacity is limited. If there are more registrations than seats, the allocation will be made based on a random draw after the registration deadline (not first-come first-serve).

Further Information

  • Time and Venue

    The course will take place in November in L9, 1–2 Room 001. It is scheduled as a series of full-day courses.

    The dates are (all in November): 08, 11, 14, 19, 21.

    The exam is expected to take place from November 25, 6pm to November 26, 6pm and is a take-home exam.

  • Language

    The course is taught entirely in English.

  • Assessment

    The final grade (only pass/fail) will be based on a take home exam.

    There is only one exam date per semester. A second attempt at the exam is hence only possible in the respective following semester. Please register for the course again and state that this is your second attempt.

Persons in Charge

Sven Vahlpahl

Sven Vahlpahl

Universität Mannheim
Fakultät für Betriebs­wirtschafts­lehre
L9, 1–2 – Raum 505
68161 Mannheim
nach Vereinbarung